2015 HSC Section 1 Book of Articles
38. Roca A, Sigaúque B, Quintó L, et al. Estimating the vaccine-preventable burden of hospital- ized pneumonia among young Mozambican children. Vaccine . 2010;28(30):4851 – 4857 39. Cutts FT, Zaman SM, Enwere G, et al; Gam- bian Pneumococcal Vaccine Trial Group.
Ef fi cacy of nine-valent pneumococcal con- jugate vaccine against pneumonia and in- vasive pneumococcal disease in The Gambia: randomised, double-blind, placebo- controlled trial. Lancet . 2005;365(9465): 1139 – 1146
40. Bhutta ZA, Das JK, Walker N, et al; Lancet Diarrhoea and Pneumonia Interventions Study Group. Interventions to address deaths from childhood pneumonia and di- arrhoea equitably: what works and at what cost? Lancet . 2013;381(9875):1417 – 1429
(Continued from fi rst page) PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: In the tender for buying pneumococcal vaccine, Stockholm County Council included a demand that the company chosen to supply the vaccine was to give the county a 5% discount off the vaccine price for enabling an epidemiological follow-up. Money from this discount has been used for the current study. The money was not paid to an institution but directly to the Stockholm County Council. FUNDING: Supported by Stockholm County Council research funds, Foundation Samariten, Sachs ’ Children ’ s Hospital, Swedish Research Council, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and Sven Jerrings Foundation. POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Lindstrand received fi nancial contributions for participation in 2 scienti fi c conferences from GSK and P fi zer, and her employer fi nanced the equivalent amount according to the national rules for pharmaceutical sponsorship for medical education, and she has participated in 1 clinical vaccine trial in collaboration with GSK.
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