2015 HSC Section 1 Book of Articles
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 33, Number 10, October 2014
Olarte et al
We did not identify an association with a particular pneumococ- cal serotype and S. pneumoniae -only infections. Moreover, we did not observe a higher rate of recurrence or complications in patients with S. pneumoniae -only infections. H. influenzae (52%) was over- all the most common organism co-isolated with S. pneumoniae . The proportion of sinus cultures positive for S. pneumonia e and H. influenzae remained unchanged in the post-PCV13 era. However, we found an increase of Prevotella spp. (+11%; P = 0.02) after the introduction of PCV13. The importance of anaerobes in chronic sinusitis has been previously described 2,3,5 and their role in pediatric sinusitis seems to be controversial. 4 A recent study from Nether- lands 22 reported that vaccination with PCV7 resulted in a shift in bacterial composition of the nasopharyngeal microbiota of vacci- nated healthy children, with an increase in abundance of anaerobic bacteria, especially Prevotella spp. The change in the isolation rate of Prevotella spp. that we observed could be related to variations in the nasopharyngeal microbiota as a result of the introduction of PCVs or secondary to sampling techniques and improved isolation of anaerobic organisms. Some limitations of our study should be recognized. First, we only studied children with chronic sinusitis, mainly because pediatric patients with acute sinusitis do not usually undergo a sinus tap or endoscopic sinus procedure unless their presentation is complicated with an orbital abscess or an intracranial process that requires surgical drainage. Therefore, we cannot extrapolate these results to patients with acute sinusitis. Second, 3 patients had recur- rence of pneumococcal sinusitis during the study period, but their isolates were not available. Thus, it is possible that we missed some cases of chronic sinusitis positive for S. pneumoniae , underestimat- ing the prevalence of pneumococcal chronic sinusitis. Third, it is possible that cultures positive for S. pneumoniae reflect inadvertent contamination of sinus specimen with nasopharyngeal flora and not a true pathogen. In conclusion, our study provides evidence of important epidemiologic changes of pneumococcal chronic sinusitis among children after the introduction of PCV13. We reported a significant decline of S. pneumoniae isolation rate in children with chronic sinusitis at TCH. This decrease of pneumococcal chronic sinusitis cases was driven by a substantial reduction of PCV13 serotypes, predominantly serotype 19A. S. pneumoniae continues to represent an important pathogen in chronic sinusitis especially in children <5 years of age; however, additional studies are needed to fully under- stand the microbiology of chronic sinusitis in children, particularly in the PCV13 era. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Wendy Hammerman and Andrea Forbes for their assistance obtaining the pneumococcal isolates and immunization records. REFERENCES 1. Wald ER, Applegate KE, Bordley C, et al.; American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of acute bacterial sinusitis in children aged 1 to 18 years. Pediatrics . 2013;132: e262–e280. 2. Brook I. Bacteriology of chronic sinusitis and acute exacerbation of chronic sinusitis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2006;132:1099–1101.
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