2015 HSC Section 1 Book of Articles
Management of nonsyndromic craniosynostosis Okada and Gosain
20. Tessier P. Total facial osteotomy. Crouzon’s syndrome, Apert’s syndrome: oxycephaly, scaphocephaly, turricephaly. Ann Chir Plast 1967; 12:273– 286. 21. Boulos PT, Lin KY, Jane JA Jr, et al. Correction of sagittal synostosis using a modified Pi method. Clin Plast Surg 2004; 31:489–498. 22. Jimenez DF, Barone CM. Endoscopic craniectomy for early surgical correc- tion of sagittal craniosynostosis. J Neurosurg 1998; 88:77–81. 23. Jimenez DF, Barone CM. Endoscopy-assisted wide-vertex craniectomy, ‘‘bar- rel-stave’’ osteotomies, and postoperative helmet molding therapy in the early management of sagittal suture craniosynostosis. Neurosurg Focus 2000; 9:e2. 24. Persing JA, Nichter LS, Jane JA, et al. External cranial vault molding after craniofacial surgery. Ann Plast Surg 1986; 17:274–283. 25. Panchal J, Marsh JL, Park TS, et al. Sagittal craniosynostosis outcome assessment for two methods and timings of intervention. Plast Reconstr Surg 1999; 103:1574–1584. 26. Lauritzen C, Sugawara Y, Kocabalkan O, et al. Spring mediated dynamic craniofacial reshaping. Scand J Plast Reconstr Hand Surg 1998; 32:331– 338. 27. Lauritzen CG, Davis C, Ivarsson A, et al. The evolving role of springs in craniofacial surgery: the first 100 clinical cases. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008; 121:545–554. 28. Steinbacher DM, Skirpan J, Puchala J, et al. Expansion of the posterior cranial vault using distraction osteogenesis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 127:792– 801. 29. Marchac D, Renier D, Arnaud E. Unoperated craniosynostosis patients: correction in adulthood. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008; 122:1827–1838. 30. & Seruya M, Oh AK, Boyajian MJ, et al. Long-term outcomes of primary craniofacial reconstruction for craniosynostosis: a 12-year experience. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 127:2397–2406. This article provides a current analysis of the morbidity and mortality of cranial vault remodeling. 31. Whitaker LA, Munro IR, Salyer KE, et al. Combined report of problems and complications in 793 craniofacial operations. Plast Reconstr Surg 1979; 64:198–203.
6. Virchow R. On dwarfism, particularly in Franconia, and on pathological skull shapes [in German]. Verh Phys Med Gesellsc 1851; 2:230–270. 7. Ciurea AV, Toader C. Genetics of craniosynostosis: review of the literature. J Med Life 2009; 2:5–17. 8. Marchac D, Renier D. Treatment of craniosynostosis in infancy. Clin Plast Surg 1987; 14:61–72. 9. Tuite GF, Chong WK, Evanson J, et al. The effectiveness of papilledema as an indicator of raised intracranial pressure in children with craniosynostosis. Neurosurgery 1996; 38:272–278. 10. Cinalli G, Sainte-Rose C, Kollar EM, et al. Hydrocephalus and craniosynos- tosis. J Neurosurg 1998; 88:209–214. 11. Renier D. Intracranial pressure in craniosynostosis: pre and postoperative recordings – correction with functional results. In: Persing JA, Edgerton MT, Jane JA, editors. Scientific foundations and surgical treatment of craniosy- nostosis. Philadelphia: Williams and Wilkins; 1995. pp. 263–269. 12. Kapp-Simon KA, Figueroa A, Jocher CA, et al. Longitudinal assessment of mental development in infants with nonsyndromic craniosynostosis with and without cranial suture release and reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg 1993; 92:831–839. 13. Magge SN, Westerveld M, Pruzinsky T, et al. Long-term neuropsychological effects of sagittal craniosynostosis on child development. J Craniofac Surg 2002; 13:99–104. 14. Liu Y, Kadlub N, da Silva Freitas R, et al. The misdiagnosis of craniosynostosis as deformational plagiocephaly. J Craniofac Surg 2008; 19:132–136. 15. Jaffurs D, Denny A. Diagnostic pediatric computer tomographic scans of the head: actual dosage versus estimated risk. Plast Reconstr Surg 2009; 124:1254–1260. 16. Chim H, Gosain AK. An evidence-based approach to craniosynostosis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 127:910–917. 17. Fearon JA, Singh DJ, Beals SP, et al. The diagnosis and treatment of single- sutural synostoses: are computed tomographic scans necessary? Plast Reconstr Surg 2007; 120:1327–1331. 18. Regelsberger J, Delling G, Helmke K, et al. Ultrasound in the diagnosis of
craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg 2006; 17:623–625. 19. Jacobi A. Non nocere. Med Rec 1894; 45:609–618.
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