2016 Section 5 Green Book

Fig. 6. Algorithm to diagnose the subclasses of chronic rhinosinusitis based on clinical history and testing. AERD 5 aspirin-exacerbated respira- tory disease; AFS 5 allergic fungal sinusitis; AScA 5 asthmatic sinusitis with allergy; ASsA 5 asthmatic sinus- itis without allergy; CT 5 computed tomography; NAScA 5 nonasthmatic sinusitis with allergy; NAS- sA 5 nonasthmatic sinusitis without allergy.

and inflammatory process. On nasal endoscopy, NAScA had significantly more polyps than the control group, whereas NASsA did not. On histologic examination, NAScA has higher amounts of eosinophils, mast cells, and cellularity than NASsA and control group. Mast

cell, hypercellularity, and eosinophils are more consist- ent with a noninfectious inflammation that is similar to AScA. Therefore, for these NAScA patients, an acute

Fig. 7. Chart summarizing the phenotype for each subclass of CRS. AERD 5 aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease; AFS 5 aller- gic fungal sinusitis; AS 5 aspirin sensitive; CF 5 cystic fibrosis; CT 5 computed tomography; NAS 5 nonasthmatic.

Fig. 8. Coronal computed tomography of the sinus demonstrating obstructive chronic sinusitis typical of nonasthmatic sinusitis with- out allergy.

Laryngoscope 123: March 2013

Han: Subclassification of Chronic Sinusitis


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