2017 Section 7 Green Book
Papagerakis et al.
Grant Support This study was supported by the NCI/NIDCR P50 CA097248 [University of Michigan Head and Neck Cancer Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE, Principal Investigator (PI): Gregory Wolf), the Research Scholar Grant RSG-13-103-01–CCE from the Amer- ican Cancer Society (PI: Silvana Papagerakis), and Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
Acquisition of data (provided animals, acquired andmanaged patients, provided facilities, etc.): S. Papagerakis, L.A. Peterson, M. Pliakas, S.A. Duffy, G.T. Wolf Analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biosta- tistics, computational analysis): S. Papagerakis, E. Bellile, S. Selman, J.M. G. Taylor, G.T. Wolf Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: S. Papagerakis, E. Bellile,L.A.Peterson,K.Balaskas,D.Hanauer,J.M.G.Taylor,S.A.Duffy,G.T.Wolf Administrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or orga- nizing data, constructing databases): S. Papagerakis, E. Bellile, L.A. Peterson, G.T. Wolf Study supervision: S. Papagerakis, G.T. Wolf Other (informatics support: developed and supported medical record search engine used in study and trained data abstractors in its use for this specific project; worked with study team to refine searches to obtain comprehensive and accurate data from the clinical record): D. Hanauer References 1. Copper MP, Smit CF, Stanojcic LD, Devriese PP, Schouwenburg PF, Mathus-Vliegen LM. High incidence of laryngopharyngeal re fl ux in patients with head and neck cancer. Laryngoscope 2000;110: 1007 – 11. 2. Sato K, Umeno H, Chitose S, Nakashima T. Patterns of laryngophar- yngeal and gastroesophageal re fl ux. J Laryngol Otol Supplement 2009; Suppl 31:42 – 7. 3. Toohill RJ, Kuhn JC. Role of re fl uxed acid in pathogenesis of laryngeal disorders. Amer J Med 1997;103:100S – 6S. 4. Ulualp SO, Roland PS, Toohill RJ, Shaker R. Prevalence of gastro- esophagopharyngeal acid re fl ux events: an evidence-based system- atic review. Amer J Otolaryngol 2005;26:239 – 44. 5. FennertyMB. The continuumof GERDcomplications. CleveClin JMed 2003;70:S33 – 50. 6. Turcotte S, Duranceau A. Gastroesophageal re fl ux and cancer. Thorac Surg Clin 2005;15:341 – 52. 7. Pondugula K, Wani S, Sharma P. Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma in adults: long-term GERD or something else? Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2007;9:468 – 74. 8. Gilbert EW, Luna RA, Harrison VL, Hunter JG. Barrett's esophagus: a review of the literature. J Gastrointest Surg 2011;15:708 – 18. 9. Tae K, Jin BJ, Ji YB, Jeong JH, Cho SH, Lee SH. The role of laryngopharyngeal re fl ux as a risk factor in laryngeal cancer: a pre- liminary report. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol 2011;4:101 – 4. 10. Langevin SM, Michaud DS, Marsit CJ, Nelson HH, Birnbaum AE, Eliot M, et al. Gastric re fl ux is an independent risk factor for laryngophar- yngeal carcinoma. Cancer Epidemiol, Biomarkers Prev 2013;22: 1061 – 8. 11. American Cancer Society. Global cancer facts & fi gures; 2011. 12. Shah JP, JohnsonNW, Batsakis JK. Oral cancer. LondonMartin Dunitz 2003;367 – 72. 13. Haier J, Nicolson GL. The role of tumor cell adhesion as an important factor in formation of distant colorectal metastasis. Dis Colon Rectum 2001;44:876 – 84. 14. Orr FW, Wang HH, Lafrenie RM, Scherbarth S, Nance DM. Interactions between cancer cells and the endothelium in metastasis. J Pathol 2000;190:310 – 29. 15. Matsumoto S, Imaeda Y, Umemoto S, Kobayashi K, Suzuki H, Oka- moto T. Cimetidine increases survival of colorectal cancer patients with high levels of sialyl Lewis-X and sialyl Lewis-A epitope expression on tumour cells. Br J Cancer 2002;86:161 – 7. 16. Kawase J, Ozawa S, Kobayashi K, Imaeda Y, Umemoto S, Matsumoto S, et al. Increase in E-selectin expression in umbilical vein endothelial cells by anticancer drugs and inhibition by cimetidine. Oncol Rep 2009; 22:1293 – 7. 17. Liu F-R, Jiang C-G, Li Y-S, Li J-B, Li F. Cimetidine inhibits the adhesion of gastric cancer cells expressing high levels of sialyl Lewis x in human vascular endothelial cells by blocking E-selectin expression. Int J Mol Med 2011;27:537 – 44.
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Cancer Prevention Research
Cancer Prev Res; 7(12) December 2014
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