2018 Section 6 - Laryngology, Voice Disorders, and Bronchoesophalogy
technique compared to VS. 11,12 This may imply a risk of bias, not in favor of VS. The impact from biases influencing single studies is reduced in a meta-analysis. Publication bias may still be an issue, bcause significant findings are more likely pub- lished than nonsignificant findings, leading to an overes- timated effect size. However, Egger’s test for publication bias showed that this was not the case for the current meta-analysis. CONCLUSION The results of this meta-analysis showed that VS is generally able to identify almost all patients with glottic cancer, but only approximately two-thirds of patients with noninvasive lesions are correctly identified as not having cancer. It highlights the need for further research concerning assessment of patients with a glottic lesion. Superior diagnostic equipment will help optimize preoper- ative assessment of future patients to provide sufficient treatment in cases of premalignant lesions or cancer, and at the same time avoid unnecessary operations. Acknowledgments The authors thank Mette Brandt Eriksen, scientific librar- ian at the Odense University Hospital research library, for her help with developing the search strategy, and innova- tion consultant Mette Atipei Craggs, Odense University Hospital, for her help with the final editing. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bless DM, Hirano M, Feder RJ. Videostroboscopic evaluation of the larynx. Ear Nose Throat J 1987;66:289–296. 2. Colton RH, Woo P, Brewer DW, Griffin B, Casper J. Stroboscopic signs associated with benign lesions of the vocal folds. J Voice 1995;9:312–325. 3. Casiano RR, Zaveri V, Lundy DS. Efficacy of videostroboscopy in the diag- nosis of voice disorders. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1992;107:95–100. 4. Hirano M, Yoshida Y, Yoshida T, Tateishi O. Strobofiberscopic video record- ing of vocal fold vibration. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1985;94:588–590. 5. Yiu EML, Lau VCY, Ma EPM, Chan KMK, Barrett E. Reliability of laryng- ostroboscopic evaluation on lesion size and glottal configuration: a revisit. Laryngoscope 2014;124:1638–1644. 6. Djukic V, Milovanovic J, Jotic AD, Vukasinovic M. Stroboscopy in detection of laryngeal dysplasia effectiveness and limitations. J Voice 2014;28: 262.e213–262.e221.
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Laryngoscope 126: September 2016
Mehlum et al.: VS and Prediction of Early Glottic Cancer
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