2019 HSC Section 2 - Practice Management
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Selected Recent Materials - Reproduced in this Study Guide
ADDITIONAL REFERENCE MATERIAL ……………………………………………………i - iii
Practice Management A. CPT coding and documentation
Balla F, Garwe T, Motghare P, et al. Evaluating coding accuracy in general surgery residents’ Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education procedural case logs. J Surg Educ . 2016; 73(6):e59-e63. EBM level 4.........................................................................................................1-5 Summary : The inaccuracy of resident coding logs is evaluated in this article. The barriers to accurate logging include a lack of formal training of procedural coding. Improved communication between residents and attendings is likely to improve accuracy of procedural coding.
Ghaderi KF, Schmidt ST, Drolet BC. Coding and billing in surgical education: a systems-based education program. J Surg Educ . 2017; 74(2):199-202. EBM level 4.......................................6-9
Summary : The article evaluates the effect of didactic coding lessons on a cohort of residents. A small amount of instruction increased coding accuracy during training.
B. Quality reporting Brenner MJ, Chang CWD, Boss EF, et al. Patient safety/quality improvement primer, part I: what PS/QI means to your otolaryngology practice. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2018; 159(1):3-10. EBM level N/A....................................................................................................10-17 Summary : This article provides an introduction to PS/QI (patient safety/quality improvement) as it pertains to the field of otolaryngology. The authors provide a background about PS/QI history and how it relates to the external agencies such as CMS and AHRQ. The article also discusses how quality metrics are incorporated into practice and how the AAO-HNS has developed clinical practice guidelines to assist in the development of performance measures. Finally, it discusses the ways otolaryngologists can incorporate PS/QI into their practices.
Rathi VK, Metson R, Varvares MA, et al. Bundled payments in otolaryngology: early lessons from Arkansas. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2018; 159(6):945-947. EBM level N/A.......18-20
Summary : This article summarizes the early implementation of quality metrics into bundled payments in the state of Arkansas, primarily focusing on tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and how bundled payments impacted the care that was given. It provides some insight into some of the challenges ahead with quality metrics and reimbursement by CMS.
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