2019 HSC Section 2 - Practice Management

The American Journal of Surgery, Vol 209, No 1, January 2015

Table 4

Results of 1-way ANOVA across specialties, with pairwise comparisons Specialty

Post hoc analysis




Pairwise comparison

Pediatrics/ pathology

Pediatrics/ surgery

Pathology/ surgery

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

F (2 F (2,136))


Global score

5.14 .46 5.05 .48 5.21 .50 .99 5.64 .60 5.38 .66 5.59 .74 .96 4.72 .55 4.95 .46 4.98 .66 2.03 5.41 .62 5.27 .64 5.24 .70 .75 4.86 .63 4.72 .78 5.18 .64 5.51 6.05 .69 5.77 .82 5.87 .89 .80 5.64 .79 5.02 .83 5.54 .85 3.93 5.23 .71 5.36 .71 5.38 .74 .52 4.90 .74 5.28 .69 4.94 .99 1.35 4.73 .65 4.82 .61 5.08 .78 3.23 5.63 .66 5.53 .69 5.41 .72 1.26

.37 .39 .14 .48

Well-being factor Self-control factor Emotionality factor Sociability factor

.005 *



.015 *

Happiness Optimism Self-esteem


.02 *

.025 *


.035 *

.59 .08 .26 .04 .29 .66 .48 .16

Emotion regulation 4.54 .72 4.74 .72 4.90 .81 2.63

Impulse control

Stress management


Emotion perception 5.00 .72 4.97 .87 5.12 .88 .42 Emotion expression 5.11 1.06 4.82 1.06 4.81 1.32 .73


5.90 .67 5.76 .60 5.63 .71 1.86

Emotion management 4.94 .68 4.87 .90 5.30 .66 4.95

.008 *

.041 *


.037 *


4.69 .84 4.66 1.13 5.09 .83 3.56 4.95 .74 4.64 .77 5.15 .88 3.24 5.18 .76 5.11 .70 5.24 .67 .34 4.57 .66 4.42 .65 4.72 .69 1.87

.03 * .04 *

.99 .40



Social awareness Self-motivation


.039 *

.72 .16


Data are expressed as raw scores which fall on a 1-7 scale. Scheffe´ post hoc pairwise comparisons were conducted when there was a significant main effect of specialty. * P less than .05.

requires the adept identification and response to human emotions. Consequently, there is an increasing interest in the role that EI may have in medical training and practice. This study is among the first to describe and investigate the EI of resident physicians in different specialties.


EI has gained prominence within the business world because of academic literature that demonstrates a relationship between EI and work performance charac- teristics. However, a successful career in medicine also

Figure 1 Global emotional intelligence (EI) raw score and resident physician age (years). Age had a small yet significant correlation with Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire global EI raw score. R 2 5 .043; F (1,136) 5 6.158; P 5 .0072. (For interpretation of the ref- erences to color in this Figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)


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