2019 HSC Section 2 - Practice Management
Perioperative Medicine
Fig. 3. Incidence of primary provider (hot seat) and team technical and behavioral ratings for each scenario. The holistic hot- seat technical (on left ) and behavioral (on right ) holistic (1 to 9) ratings are shown for each of the four scenarios as a blue vertical rectangle . If the associated team rating was different than the hot-seat rating for that encounter, it is shown as an arrowhead : green and pointing upward when the team rating was better than the hot-seat rating and red and pointing downward when the team rating was worse than the hot-seat rating. The participants for each scenario are ordered by their hot-seat technical performance from lowest to highest. The same hot-seat participant order is used for the behavioral rating. The data show that it is much more common for the arrival of the first responder to result in improved technical and behavioral (team) ratings. Note that, in cases where more than one rater rated the encounter, the average of all ratings were used. Boxes containing scenario- specific performance scores are different widths because there was a different number of participants in each scenario ( shown in parenthesis as part of the x-axis labels ).
Weinger et al .
Anesthesiology 2017; 127:475-89
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