2018-19 Section 7-Neoplastic and Inflammatory Diseases of the Head and Neck eBook
tistically significant change in the malignancy rate for the category “non-diagnostic.” These findings are similar to those of Howitt et al. [13] , that is, essentially half of NIFTPs were assigned to the “suspicious for malignancy” category on FNA and had a significant impact on the ma- lignancy rate for the “suspicious for malignancy” catego- ry. Our meta-analysis of the 4 studies showed no signifi- cant heterogeneity for the “non-diagnostic,” “benign,” and “follicular lesion of indeterminate significance” cat- egories of TBSRTC. The heterogeneity between the stud- ies was moderate for the diagnostic category of “follicular neoplasm” and high for the diagnostic categories of “sus- picious for malignancy” and “malignant.” In conclusion, this meta-analysis shows that the risks of malignancy for the TBSRTC system are substantially
altered when NIFTP is considered as a benign entity in histopathologic correlation. These reductions are signifi- cant for the TBSRTC diagnostic categories “benign,” “AUS/FLUS,” “follicular neoplasm,” and “suspicious for malignancy.” The impact is greatest for the AUS/FLUS and “suspicious for malignancy” diagnostic categories. Additional prospective studies will be necessary to deter- mine the precise impact of the histopathologic diagnosis of NIFTP on malignancy rates associated with TBSRTC.
Disclosure Statement The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
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Malignancy Risk and NIFTP
Acta Cytologica 2017;61:187–193 DOI: 10.1159/000469654
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