AAO-HNSF Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel

Basis of Audiometric Evaluation: Purposes of Hearing Testing • Audiometric evaluation can: –Provide information to determine the degree and type of hearing loss –Help determine the site of lesion and cause of auditory disorders –Document success or failure of medical or surgical treatment


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


Basis of Audiometric Evaluation: Purposes of Hearing Testing

• Hearing Screening: –All frequencies are tested at specified levels.

–Levels are not changed and thresholds are not obtained –Purpose is generally to determine if the subject needs a complete evaluation


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


Primary Tools used in Audiometric Evaluation • Sound treated room • Otoscope • Audiometer • Tympanometer • Evoked Potential System • Otoacoustic Emissions System


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


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