AAO-HNSF Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel

Basis of Audiometric Evaluation: Terminology and Concepts Threshold: The minimum amount of physical energy necessary for a psychophysical perception of sound to occur (the softest perception possible).

–By definition, the individual should be aware of the sound only 50% of the time


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


Basis of Audiometric Evaluation: Terminology and Concepts

• MCL: Most comfortable listening level

• UCL: Uncomfortable level—the level at which sound becomes too loud to be tolerated. Also, LDL.


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


Basis of Audiometric Evaluation: Terminology and Concepts

The Audiogram: A graph on which we record thresholds measured for pure tones of selected frequencies. –Symbols used to record on an audiogram are generally standard so anyone seeing an audiogram from any other clinic should be able to interpret it.


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


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