AAO-HNSF Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel

Pure Tone Vs. Warbled Tone • Can use pure tone or warbled tone

• Often preferable to use warbled tone if patient has tinnitus • Try each type and see which is most UNLIKE the patient’s tinnitus • Must use warbled tone in the sound field in order to avoid standing waves


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


Pure Tone Average • Represents the average threshold for 500 Hz, 1,000 Hz, 2,000 Hz

• 3,000 Hz may be included and considered more standard in the future

• Should be in agreement with Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT)—to be covered later


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


Air Conduction • Use TDH 39 headphones or insert phones to present stimuli

• Measures the entire ear system response

• Sends stimuli to external ear, middle ear, inner ear, auditory nerve, and brain


Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel Workshop


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