AAO-HNSF Certificate Program for Otolaryngology Personnel

Supervised On-The-Job Clinical Experience

After completing both the Independent Study and the Practicum, you will be expected to complete a six-month On-The-Job Clinical Experience, supervised by an otolaryngologist. During this component, participants will perform the basic hearing skills as an OTO Tech and be evaluated using the skills checklist under the supervision of a licensed physician. You will be required to complete a case log that must include the instructor’s name and the name, address, and telephone number of your supervising otolaryngologist. Each procedure should be documented on the Hearing Case Log under the appropriate objective. You will write in a description of the procedure, how long it took to complete the procedure, and have your supervisor sign and date that line. The steps for performing each procedure outlined the objectives can be found in the skills checklists. You are required to complete sixty tests under each objective to be considered proficient. The supervisors will note on the checklist whether you have completed each skill in a

satisfactory or unsatisfactory manner. Skills, Objectives, and Checklists 1. Develop and maintain a professional relationship a. Patients b. Professionals 2. Record history results 3. Perform a basic examination of the ear a. Evaluate external auditory canal b. Perform tuning fork tests 4. Provide patient instructions/education regarding basic hearing testing 5. Provide basic hearing tests

a. Perform pure tone air and bone conduction testing with and without masking b. Perform speech audiometry testing i. Speech Recognition Threshold ii. Speech Recognition Threshold with masking iii. Word Recognition iv. Word Recognition with masking c. Perform tympanometry

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