AAO-HNSF Otolaryngology Core Curriculum - Study Schedule User Guides

Animated publication

Study Schedule User Guides


Global Admin • Program Admin • Residents

Global Admin - Study Schedule User Guide

Table of Contents

A. Terminology

B. Study Schedule Feature

C. Default Curriculum

 Study Schedule Browse Page  Topic Week Creation  Topic Week Editing  Topic Locking Functionality

D. Custom Curriculum

 Quiz Availability  Resequencing of Topic Weeks  Adding Notes / PDFs

E. Study Schedule Assignments

 Assigning/Re-Assigning Residents

F. Remove Study Schedule Question

G. Examples of Expected Behavior  Topic Inheritance  Site Manager

Getting started! Institutions who subscribe to the OCC portal can implement an AAO HNSF-designed default study schedule, or to further develop customized study schedules for their residents.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

A. Terminology

The curated curriculum that displays for a resident on the portal. Spans 2 years and is made of up topic weeks. A study schedule instance is a set of associated weeks within a given study cycle. The building blocks of a study schedule. Topic weeks contain an aggregated list of Module content for residents to review, and question bank questions that make up a weekly quiz. Topics consist of a title, availability (i.e., start) date, overview, modules, and a quiz. All topic weeks begin on a Sunday and end on a Saturday. A study schedule spans 104 weeks. The two-year academic period. A given resident can be associated to a single Study Cycle. Two concurrent Study Cycles are active at any given time (i.e., 2023-2025 and 2024-2026 overlap in the year 2024).

Study Schedule

Topic Week

Study Cycle

Spacing Text

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

B. Study Schedule Feature

The Study Schedule feature lives on the OCC portal and is available to all authenticated users who are part of a subscribed program. Full details on the Study Schedule feature for users of The OCC can be found on the following pages:

 For Program Admins: Program Admin - Study Schedule User Guide

 For Residents: Residents - Study Schedule User Guide

C. Default Curriculum The Study Schedule's default curriculum consists of all AAO-HNSF-authored curriculum topic weeks. AAO-HNSF-authored and published topic weeks display by default on the Study Schedule page on the OCC portal for any institution who has not created a custom curriculum or has not customized the content of a given topic week. The default study schedules are created and maintained in Site Manager by AAO-HNSF Super Users.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Study Schedule Browse Page

1. Log into Site Manager

>>>click here: https://store.occ.entnet.org/Sitemaster/admin_home.aspx

2. Navigate to "Study Schedules"

>>>click here: https://store.occ.entnet.org/Sitemaster/admin_list_curriculum_topics.aspx

3. The Study Schedule topic week list view will load the "Study Schedule" curriculum by default, and will display all published curriculum topic weeks for the earliest active study schedule (i.e., In July 2024, both 2023-2025 and 2024 2026 are active, and 2023-2025 will load by default)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

a. If no week’s display, this means no weeks have yet been authored in the selected schedule. See "Topic Week Creation" below to add topics. b. A week in the list that reads "saved [date]" is not yet published to the site and will not display on the OCC portal

c. A week in the list that reads "published [date]" is published, and will display:

i. On the OCC Portal for Program Admin users IF the week is associated to a study schedule instance in a current or future study cycle ii. On the OCC Portal for Residents who have been assigned to the associated Study Schedule instance 4. Select the desired curriculum from the top "Select Curriculum" dropdown to view the topic weeks for the selected curriculum Important Note: Dropdown defaults to Study Schedule, and currently all study schedules and institutions are associated to General Knowledge. If AAO-HNSF wishes to start creating study schedules for other curriculums, please consult with Silverchair first as project work may be necessary to ensure the curriculum feature fully functions with enhancements implemented during the build process to support

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

concurrent two-year study cycles.

5. Select the desired academic year from the "Select Study Cycle" dropdown to further filter the topic weeks within the selected curriculum to those within the selected two-year span (i.e., filter down to the study schedule instance for that study cycle/curriculum combo)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Topic Week Creation

The study schedule is made up of curriculum topic weeks, each of which contains a curated selection of modules. To create a new topic week, do the following: 1. On the "Study Schedule" page, select the desired Curriculum and Study Cycle from the dropdowns to filter the topic week listing to a given study schedule instance

2. Select the "Add a New Topic" button at the bottom of the topic week list

3. The curriculum topic week management page will load

4. Topic Title: To author the topic title, type in the "Topic Title" text box

5. Topic Availability Date: To choose the topic's availability date:

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

a. Select the academic year from the righthand dropdown

b. Select the week and corresponding start date for the topic (note that only weeks in the future will display and new topics cannot be added to past dates)

i. Note: It is possible to create/assign multiple topic weeks to the same week/start date. If this occurs and both are published, the OCC portal may behave in unexpected ways (it may display only one of the topics selected at random, for instance). It is the responsibility of the OCC Super Admin user to ensure no overlap occurs if this is not desired. 6. Topic Overview: To Author the topic overview, update the text in and format using the basic text editor embedded on the page, using either a basic "Design" view or a more advanced "HTML" view

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

7. Modules: To populate the topic week with module content:

a. To add a module to the topic week, select its checkbox

b. To remove a selected module, deselect its checkbox

c. To locate the module(s) more easily you wish to add:

i. Filter by typing the title, category, module type or ID you are searching for in the "Type to filter modules" text box

 Results will filter in real time to match your entry

ii. Sort by clicking the column heading to reorder results by that field

 i.e., Clicking "Category Association" will reorder the module result list in ascending order by the category name (and clicking again will reorder in descending order)  Note that selected modules will always display at the top of the list, regardless of sort order

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

8. Question and Answer: To create a quiz associated to the topic week:

a. To add a question to the topic week quiz, select its checkbox

b. To remove a selected question, deselect its checkbox

c. To locate the question(s) more easily you wish to add:

i. Filter by typing the question text, category, or ID you are searching for in the "Type to filter question" text box

 Results will filter in real time to match your entry

ii. Sort by clicking the column heading to reorder results by that field

 i.e., Clicking "Category Association" will reorder the question result list in ascending order by the category name (and clicking again will reorder in descending order)  Note that selected questions will always display at the top of the list, regardless of sort order

b. Important note: Quizzes can only be added/edited to unpublished topic weeks. Once published, quiz questions display in a read-only view

9. When you are done authoring the topic week:

a. Select "Save Topic" to save your changes and refresh the page for any additional revisions

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

i. Note: Saved but unpublished topics display in the curriculum topic week listing and can be revisited for edits, but will not display on the OCC portal until published b. Select "Publish Topic" to save your changes, update the portal, and return to the previous Study Schedule page c. Select "Back to Study Schedule" to return to the previous Study Schedule page WITHOUT saving your changes i. Note: If you navigate off the page without selecting either "Save Topic" or "Publish Topic," your changes will not be saved

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Topic Week Editing

To edit an existing topic week, do the following:

1. On the "Study Schedule" page, select the desired Curriculum and Study Cycle from the dropdowns to filter the topic week listing to a given study schedule instance 2. Select either the Topic Week name or the "Edit" link in its corresponding row to view the topic week management page

3. Topic Title: To edit the topic title, type over the content of the "Topic Title" text box

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

4. Topic Availability Date: If a topic's quiz has not yet unlocked, then users can edit the date the topic becomes available. To edit the topic's availability date:

a. Select the academic year from the righthand dropdown

b. Select the week and corresponding start date for the topic (note that only weeks in the future will display and new topics cannot be added to past dates)

i. Note: It is possible to create/assign multiple topic weeks to the same week/start date. If this occurs and both are published, the OCC portal may behave in unexpected ways (it may display only one of the topics selected at random, for instance). It is the responsibility of the OCC Super Admin user to ensure no overlap occurs if this is not desired.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

5. Topic Overview: To edit the topic overview, update the text in and format using the basic text editor embedded on the page, using either a basic "Design" view or a more advanced "HTML" view

6. Modules: To view/edit the modules included in the topic weeks' schedule:

a. Currently included modules display at the top of the module listing with their checkbox selected

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

i. To remove a module from the topic week, deselect its checkbox

ii. To add a module to the topic week, select its checkbox

b. To locate the module(s) you wish to add:

i. Filter by typing the title, category, or course type you are searching for in the "Type to filter modules" text box

 Results will filter in real time to match your entry

ii. Sort by clicking the column heading to reorder results by that field

 i.e., Clicking "Category Association" will reorder the module result list in ascending order by the category name (and clicking again will reorder in descending order)  Note that selected modules will always display at the top of the list, regardless of sort order

7. Question and Answer: To view/edit the questions included in the topic weeks' schedule:

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

a. Currently included questions display at the top of the question listing with their checkbox selected

i. To remove a question from the topic week quiz, deselect its checkbox

ii. To add a question to the topic week quiz, select its checkbox

b. To locate the question(s) you wish to add:

i. Filter by typing the question text, category, or ID you are searching for in the "Type to filter modules" text box

 Results will filter in real time to match your entry

ii. Sort by clicking the column heading to reorder results by that field

 i.e., Clicking "Category Association" will reorder the question result list in ascending order by the category name (and clicking again will reorder in descending order)  Note that selected questions will always display at the top of the list, regardless of sort order

8. Important note: Quizzes can only be added/edited to unpublished topic weeks. Once published, quiz questions display in a read-only view.

9. When you are done editing the topic week:

a. Select "Save Topic" to save your changes and refresh the page for any additional revisions without publishing/updating the portal i. Note: Once published, a topic can never be un-published, so this option will only display on not-yet-published topic weeks b. Select "Publish Topic" to save your changes, update the portal, and return to the previous Study Schedule page

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

i. Note: If you navigate off the page without selecting either "Save Topic" or "Publish Topic," your changes will not be saved c. Select "Back to Study Schedule" to return to the previous Study Schedule page WITHOUT saving your changes

Topic Locking Functionality

Certain elements of the topic week "lock" under certain circumstances and can no longer be selected/edited. Topic Availability Date Locking  Only topic weeks with a start date in the future are available to select when creating/editing a study schedule topic. Once the study cycle is underway, when authoring a new topic, past dates will no longer display as available in the "Topic Availability Date" dropdown.

 Topic week availability locks two days prior to the topic week's start date (meaning that if the topic week starts on 6/30/2024, then you can no longer select that week when authoring a topic starting on 6/28/2024).  All topic weeks start on a Sunday and so lock on the preceding Friday. This means they must be created/published no later than midnight the Thursday before the start date of the topic week in order to have a topic appear on the portal for the selected week.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

 When viewing/editing a topic with a start date in the past, the Topic Availability Date section will display unactionable, with explanatory text indicating it can no longer be edited. The topic title, description, and included modules can be edited and republished, but the start date cannot be changed.

 Business Reason: By default, associated quizzes unlock two days prior to the start of a topic week. Therefore, the ability to add or move a week with a different quiz to that topic also locks. Question and Answer Locking  The Question-and-Answer selector tool is only available until a Study Schedule topic is published. Once published, quiz questions display in a read-only display when viewing the week.

 Business Reason: Programs can unlock all quizzes in published weeks. If they do, then a resident could work ahead and complete any quiz in a published week. Allowing editing when a user may have already started or submitted a quiz would cause issues with reporting and data for your programs.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

D. Custom Curriculum An institution may choose to utilize the AAO-HNSF default curriculum as their institution's Study Schedule or may choose to customize the Study Schedule curriculum to better suit the needs of their program. Program Administrators can customize the following elements of their Study Schedule: Quiz Availability

See Program Admin - Study Schedule User Guide: Quiz Availability

Resequencing of Topic Weeks

See Program Admin - Study Schedule User Guide: Re-sequencing of Curriculum Topic Weeks Adding Notes / PDFs See Program Admin - Study Schedule User Guide: Adding Notes and/or a PDF to a Topic Week

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

E. Study Schedule Assignments

Residents must be assigned to a Study Schedule before the curriculum topic weeks for the schedule will display on the OCC Portal. Program Admins can assign their program residents to a Study Schedule in their instance of Site Manager, but Super Users can also make these assignments. To view/assist with assignments for a given program:

1. Log into Site Manager

>>>click here: https://store.occ.entnet.org/Sitemaster/admin_home.aspx

2. Navigate to "Program Accounts & Subscriptions"

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

3. Search for and select the program whose Study Schedule Assignments you wish to view

4. On the Program Profile page that loads, Navigate to the Study Schedule Assignments tab 5. The Study Schedule Assignments page will load and display a list of your program's residents and the following information for each:

a. Last Name

b. First Name

c. Program Year

d. Study Cycle (the two-year academic cycle to which a resident can be assigned)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

6. To locate a specific resident or group of residents more easily:

a. Filter by typing the last name, first name, program year, study cycle, or study schedule in the "Type to filter" text box

i. Results will filter in real time to match your entry

b. Filter by selecting a program year from the dropdown menu

c. Sort by clicking the column heading to reorder results by that field

i. i.e., Clicking "First Name" will reorder the resident result list in ascending order by their name (and clicking again will reorder in descending order)

Assigning/Re-Assigning Residents

To assign/re-assign a schedule to a resident:

1. Check the box by each resident that you wish to assign to a given schedule (or check the box in the table header to select all residents)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

1. Select residents will move to the top of the list

2. Select the "Edit Details" button beneath the resident list

3. In the modal that loads, select the appropriate Study Cycle for the selected residents

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

4. Select "Cancel" to close the modal without making any changes

5. Select "Save Changes" to...

1. close the modal

2. reload the table to reflect the new resident/study schedule associations

Note that for a Study Schedule to display for a program's residents on the OCC portal, they must be assigned to an active Study Cycle. You can assign residents to a future study schedule, but they will not see the topic weeks until the start date of the selected study cycle.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

F. Remove Study Schedule Question

If you ever need to remove a self-assessment question from any of its associated Study Schedule quizzes, a tool in Site Manager makes the process simple.

This tool does the following:

 Removes the question from any associated study schedule topic weeks, so that when a user view/takes the quiz, the question no longer appears  Removes the question from any completed quiz reporting, so it does not factor into a user's scores post-removal

 This tool does not remove the question from the site

 Questions will remain available to be associated with topic weeks in the future

To remove a Study Schedule question from any associated topic weeks:

1. Log into Site Manager

>>>click here: https://store.occ.entnet.org/Sitemaster/admin_home.aspx

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

2. Navigate to "Remove Study Schedule Question" (the last option in the main menu)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

3. Enter your question ID for the question you wish to remove

a. If the question is associated to one or more curriculum topic weeks, a list of all associated study cycles and topic names will appear b. If the question is not associated to any curriculum topic weeks, explanatory text displays indicating there is nothing to remove it from

4. If the question is associated to one or more topic weeks and you wish to remove it, select the "Remove Question" button

1. Confirmation text will display indicating the question has been removed

To remove a Study Schedule question from the site:


First, take the steps above to remove the question

a. If you attempt to remove a question from the site while it is still associated to an active topic week, the Authoring Tool will not allow the removal b. If you remove a question from the site while it is still associated to a topic week in a past study schedule, the Authoring Tool will allow it, BUT the question may not be removed from historical reporting 2. Next, remove the question by changing its status to "Remove from Site" in the Authoring Tool

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

G. Examples of Expected Behavior

Topic Inheritance

 Institution XYZ assigns their active residents to the 2024-2026 study cycle via the 'Study Schedule Assignments' tool in Site Manager o Residents assigned to the schedule can view all published topic weeks on the OCC Portal, on the Study Schedule page  If AAO-HNSF authors and publishes new topic weeks to the Default 2024-2026 Study Schedule, then those weeks will display for assigned residents and program admins of Institution XYZ  If AAO-HNSF edits and re-publishes an existing topic week to the Default 2024-2026 Study Schedule, then those edits will display for assigned residents and program admins of Institution XYZ  If Institution XYZ customizes their schedule (by re-sequencing weeks, adding notes to a topic, adding a PDF to a topic, or updating the Quiz Availability), the topics will continue to inherit any updates made and re-published by AAO-HNSF Site Manager  A published topic week, even one in the past, can still be edited and republished, but with limitations. Once published, the associated quiz questions are locked and cannot be edited. All parts of a saved but not-yet-published topic week can be edited, so please be sure you are happy with the included questions prior to publishing.  A Super User can create and publish two topics with the same topic week start date. This is permitted because otherwise, you could not reorder topic weeks once all 104 topics for the cycle have been drafted. However, if you publish two topics in the same study cycle with the same start date, the OCC Portal display for your resident and admin users may not behave properly. If this happens, to resolve, simply edit one of the topics with a duplicate start date and publish with an available start date.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Program Admin - Study Schedule User Guide

Table of Contents

A. Terminology

B. Study Schedule Feature  Navigation

 Weekly Module Schedule  View Quiz Page  Edit Schedule Page

C. Study Schedule Assignments

 Assigning/Re-Assigning Residents

D. Reports

 Resident Quiz Scores Rollup Report  Individual Resident Quiz Scores Report  Question Review Report

E. Default Curriculum

F. Custom Curriculum

 Quiz Availability  Re-sequencing of Curriculum Topic Weeks  Adding Notes and/or a PDF to a Topic Week

Getting started! Institutions who subscribe to the OCC portal can implement an AAO HNSF-designed default study schedule, or to further develop customized study schedules for their residents.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

A. Terminology

The curated curriculum that displays for a resident on the portal. Spans 2 years and is made of up topic weeks. A study schedule instance is a set of associated weeks within a given study cycle. The building blocks of a study schedule. Topic weeks contain an aggregated list of Module content for residents to review. Topics consist of a title, availability (i.e., start) date, overview, modules, and a quiz.

Study Schedule

Topic Week

All topic weeks begin on a Sunday and end on a Saturday.

A study schedule spans 104 weeks.

The two-year academic period. A given resident can be associated to a single Study Cycle. Two concurrent Study Cycles are active at any given time (i.e., 2023-2025 and 2024 2026 overlap in the year 2024).

Study Cycle

B. Study Schedule Feature

The Study Schedule feature lives on the OCC portal and is available to all authenticated and subscribed users. Navigation 1. To view or edit your institution's Study Schedule, select "Study Schedule" from the OCC homepage header menu.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

2. Upon navigating to the page, it will load the following schedule by default:

a. The current (active) study cycle with the earliest start date (e.g., when both 2023-2025 and 2024-2026 are active, 2023-2025 will load by default) b. The study schedule for your program associated to the study cycle, given that it has been authored (this is either the default AAO-HNSF-published study schedule if your program has not made any changes, or a customized version of the default schedule if your program has made changes)

3. To view a different schedule...

a. Select a 2-year study cycle from the lefthand dropdown

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Weekly Module Schedule

The Study Schedule page allows you to view your program's current and upcoming study schedules. If you have not chosen to customize your curriculum, each cycle you select will display the AAO-HNSF default study schedule. Upon customization, this will display your program's custom curriculum (see Custom Curriculum below).

>>>click here: https://occ.entnet.org/curriculumSchedule.aspx

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

The Study Schedule page displays the following for a given study schedule:

 Current and Upcoming Topic Weeks

o The current Topic Week and its module content

 Week displays expanded on page load

o The upcoming Topic Week (next week in sequence) and its module content

 Week displays expanded on page load

Future Topic Weeks

o Weeks display collapsed on page load

o Clicking a collapsed topic week expands the view

o Clicking an expanded topic week collapses the view

 Past Topic Weeks (display hidden behind a "Previous Weeks" menu on page load)

o Selecting "Previous Topic Weeks" expands the menu to display past weeks

When expanded, each topic week displays the following:

The title of the topic week

The start date of the topic week

The overview of the topic week

 A list of all modules in the topic week

o Selecting a module title loads the content page of the module

 A "View Quiz" button if there is an associated quiz and the topic week quiz availability is unlocked

o Quiz unlocking / preview availability aligns with the quiz availability settings for your program - see Program Admin - Study Schedule User Guide Quiz Availability

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

When collapsed, each topic week displays the following:

The title of the topic week

The start date of the topic week

From the Study Schedule page, program administrators can also edit the schedule (see Edit Schedule Page below), view Study Schedule reports (see Reports below), or download the schedule.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

View Quiz Page

1. To preview an associated quiz, select the "View Quiz" button in the expanded topic week

2. A Weekly Quiz preview page will display the following for each question:

a. The question number

b. The question text

c. The answer options

Any references

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

3. Select the "Show Answers" checkbox at the top of the page to see the correct answer and explanation for each question

4. To provide feedback to AAO-HNSF for a question, select the "Give Feedback" button to the right of the question number a. A modal will appear where you can select the Issue type from a dropdown and provide up to 500 characters of feedback in the free text entry box

b. Select "Submit Feedback" to send your feedback to AAO-HNSF

c. Select "Cancel" or the X in the upper righthand corner to close the modal without submitting your feedback

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Edit Schedule Page

Study Schedule editing functionality (quiz availability, topic week resequencing, adding notes, adding PDFs) is available within the OCC portal for program administrators.

The Edit Schedule page displays the following:

>>>click here: https://occ.entnet.org/editcurriculumSchedule.aspx

Locked (i.e., past) topic weeks

o By default, weeks lock two days prior to their start date (i.e., the topic week dated July 7, 2024 will lock on July 5, 2024)

o Cannot be edited/re-sequenced

 Unlocked (i.e., future) topic weeks

o Weeks more with more than two days prior to their start date

o Can be edited/re-sequenced

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

 Each topic week card displays the following:

o The topic week sequence number

o The topic week start date

o The topic week title

 Locked topic weeks additionally display:

A lock icon

 Unlocked topic weeks additionally display:

o An "Add Notes" option

o A "PDF" option

Locked Topic Week

For more information on how to customize your schedule, see Custom Curriculum

Unlocked Topic Week

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

C. Study Schedule Assignments Residents must be assigned to a Study Schedule before the curriculum topic weeks for the schedule will display on the OCC Portal. To edit your residents' schedule assignments: Log into Site Manager using the same credentials you use to log into the OCC portal

>>>click here: https://store.occ.entnet.org/Sitemaster/admin_home.aspx

Navigate to "Study Schedule Assignments"

1. The Study Schedule Assignments page will load and display a list of your program's residents and the following information for each:

a. Last Name

b. First Name

c. Program Year

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

2. Study Cycle (the two-year academic cycle to which a resident can be assigned)

3. To locate a specific resident or group of residents more easily:

a. Filter by typing the last name, first name, program year, or study cycle you are searching for in the "Type to filter" text box

1. Results will filter in real time to match your entry

b. Filter by selecting a program year from the dropdown menu

c. Sort by clicking the column heading to reorder results by that field

1. i.e., Clicking "First Name" will reorder the resident result list in ascending order by their name (and clicking again will reorder in descending order)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Assigning/Re-Assigning Residents

To assign/re-assign a schedule to a resident:

1. Check the box by each resident that you wish to assign to a given schedule (or check the box in the table header to select all residents)

a. Selected residents will move to the top of the list

2. Select the "Edit Assignments" button beneath the resident list

a. If all selected residents are in the same current Study Cycle, the Current Study Schedule field will populate with their current schedule

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

b. If the selected residents are in different Study Cycles currently, then the Current study Schedule field will read "Multiple Selected"

3. In the modal that loads, select the appropriate Study Cycle for the selected residents

4. Select "Cancel" to close the modal without making any changes

5. Select "Save Changes" to...

a. close the modal

b. reload the table to reflect the new resident/study schedule associations

Note that for a Study Schedule to display for your residents on the OCC portal, they must be assigned to a Study Cycle.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

D. Reports

Program Admin users have access to three Study Schedule reports on the OCC portal, to view the progress and performance of their program's residents.

1. You can navigate to the Study Schedule Reports in one of two ways:

a. Select "Study Schedule Reports" in the OCC portal homepage "Run a Report" widget

b. Select "Reports" from the header of the Study Schedule page

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

2. You will be taken to the Study Schedule reports page

3. Select your desired two-year academic study cycle from the Study Schedule dropdown at the top of the page

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Resident Quiz Scores Rollup Report

Reporting showing the Study Schedule weekly quiz scores for all residents in a program

"By Range" Option

1. Selecting the option prompts you to select a "from - to" date range

a. You can enter dates manually or select from a calendar

i. Dates entered must fall within the Curriculum Year selected at the top of the page or an error prompt will display ii. Dates that do not fall within the selected curriculum year are grayed out and cannot be selected in the calendar selection

2. The "Run Report" button runs and displays the report

a. Report will run even if no data falls within the date range, but will display no data

b. Report loads in a new page

c. Report can be exported to Excel or CSV formats

d. Report displays the following column fields:

Date Completed

     

Full Name (Topic) Title

Week Number

Score (%)

Average program score (%)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

e. Selecting a column title sorts the column in ascending order

f. Selecting a column title again sorts the column in descending order

g. Report is paginated when there are at least 20 rows of data

"By Quiz" Option

1. Selecting the option prompts user to select from a quiz week dropdown a. Dropdown displays the week number and topic title for each week in the selected curriculum year b. Selecting a date where no users have completed the quiz/no quiz is assigned displays explanatory text alerting you that there is no data available for the selected week's quiz

c. Selecting a date with user quiz data runs and displays the report on the page

2. Report displays as follows:

a. Average score (of all program users) - displays as a percentage

b. Number of completed quizzes (across all program users)

c. Data table that displays the following column fields:

d. Name

e. Score

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

f. Date completed

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Individual Resident Quiz Scores Report

Reporting showing Yearly Curriculum weekly quiz scores and answer responses for an individual resident in a program

1. Select a resident from the top dropdown

2. Select a topic week from the bottom dropdown

a. Selecting a resident and date where the resident has not completed the quiz/no quiz is assigned displays a prompt alerting user that there is no data available for the selected week's quiz b. Selecting a resident and date where the resident has completed the quiz displays the following:

i. Quiz Score displays as a percentage

ii. Quiz questions for the selected week display within an expandable/collapsible table

3. Quiz Questions table displays three columns:

a. Question number

b. Question text, possible answers, and source link

c. Correct/incorrect icon

4. Table loads collapsed by default

a. Question number and correct/incorrect icon display

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

b. Questions/answers column display is truncated to show only the question text

5. Clicking within a question text field expands the row to display the full question text, all available answers, and the source link a. The correct answer displays with a green checkmark icon is to the left of the answer text, and the text is highlighted b. If resident answered incorrectly, their selection is indicated with a red X to the left of the answer text c. Source link(s) takes user to any module/external article affiliated with the question content

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

6. Clicking again in the question text field of the row collapses the view

Question Review Report

Reporting showing Yearly Curriculum weekly quiz questions and answers across the user's program and across all programs

1. Select a topic week from the dropdown menu

a. Dropdown menu displays the week number and topic title for each week in the selected curriculum year

b. Loads first week in the curriculum year by default

2. Selecting a topic week with no quiz assigned displays explanatory text alerting you that there is no data available for the selected week's quiz 3. Selecting a topic week with a quiz assigned displays the question review report as a table

a. Lefthand column displays the question number

b. Righthand column displays the following:

c. Question text

d. Correct answer (Reads as follows: The correct answer is: ) e. A pie chart of resident answers by user's program with responses per answer broken out by color i. If no residents of the program have taken the selected quiz, no pie chart displays f. A pie chart of resident answers across all programs with responses per answer broken out by color

g. Each pie chart has a key that displays:


the color assigned to the answer option


the letter of the answer option

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

iii. the number of quiz takers who selected the answer (Reads as follows: # Responses )

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

E. Default Curriculum

AAO-HNSF-authored and published topic weeks display by default on the Study Schedule page (see Study Schedule Feature above). Select the desired 2-year Study Cycle and its associated default Study Schedule instance via the dropdowns to view different schedules (see Navigation). To implement the default curriculum for your active residents, simply assign it to your residents in the Study Schedule Assignments tool in Site Manager (see Assigning Residents to a Study Schedule)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

F. Custom Curriculum An institution may choose to utilize the AAO-HNSF default curriculum "as is" as their institution's Study Schedule or may choose to customize the Study Schedule curriculum to better suit the needs of their program. A program admin can customize a given study schedule instance by doing one of the following:

 On the OCC Portal > Study Schedule > Edit Schedule page

o Changing the quiz availability

o Re-sequencing the topic weeks on the portal

o Adding notes to a topic week

o Adding a PDF to a topic week

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©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Quiz Availability

Program administrators can select when the quizzes for each topic week are available to their residents. 1. To edit Quiz Availability, select the "Edit Schedule" button at the top of the Study Schedule page 2. On the Edit page that loads, a list of all published topic weeks for the study cycle selected on the previous page will display.

3. Quiz Availability displays just below the page header, above the topic week listing.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

4. There are two Quiz Availability options:

a. Quizzes Locked

b. Quizzes Unlocked/Available

5. By default, the Quizzes Locked option is selected and set so that the topic quizzes will unlock the Friday before the Topic Week start date 6. To keep Quizzes locked by but change the unlock date, select a new day from the dropdown

7. To unlock all quizzes so the user can work ahead in all topics on the Study Schedule, select the "Quizzes Unlocked/Available option Important Note: Whichever option is selected the first time you select "Save & Return" and create a custom schedule is locked in and cannot be changed for the remainder of the study cycle.

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Re-sequencing of Curriculum Topic Weeks

Program administrators can change the order of the topic weeks for their program's Study Schedule curriculum on the OCC Portal. 1. To edit your program's Study Schedule topic week sequence, select the "Edit Schedule" button at the top of the Study Schedule page 2. On the Edit page that loads, a list of all published topic weeks for the study cycle and study schedule selected on the previous page will display.

a. Unlocked (future) weeks display the topic week title and an option to Add Notes or add a PDF to the right of their card i. Unlocked weeks can be re-sequenced b. Locked (past) weeks display the topic week title and a lock icon, and are unactionable

i. Locked weeks cannot be re-sequenced or otherwise edited

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

3. To re-sequence a week:

a. Click and hold an unlocked topic week title box

b. Drag the topic week to its desired location

1. The week will highlight to indicate that it is selected, but will remain visible in its current location until you "drop" it

2. Hover over the week you wish to swap the selected week with

1. A drop shadow will appear above each topic week as you move your cursor

3. Release the week to swap its location

4. When you are done editing the schedule:

a. Select "Save & Return" to return to the Study Schedule view and save your changes 1. A popup will display, asking you to confirm your changes. Select "OK" to proceed, or "Go Back to Edit Page" to continue making any edits

b. Select "Cancel" to return to the Study Schedule WITHOUT saving your changes

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

c. Select "Undo" to stay on the Edit Schedule page and revert any unsaved changes

Adding Notes and/or a PDF to a Topic Week

Program administrators can add notes or a PDF to a given topic week to supplement its content. 1. To add notes/a PDF, select the "Edit Schedule" button at the top of the Study Schedule page 2. On the Edit page that loads, a list of all published topic weeks for the study cycle and study schedule selected on the previous page will display

a. Future weeks display the topic week title and an option to Add Notes or add a PDF to the right of their card

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

b. Past weeks display the topic week title and a lock icon, and are unactionable

i. Past weeks cannot have notes or a PDF added, or otherwise be edited

3. Select "Add Notes" to author notes for a given topic week

a. A modal with a free text entry box where you can add your notes will display

b. If a week already has notes added previously, they will appear in the free text entry box and can be edited or removed if desired

c. Select "Save & Add Notes" to save your notes and close the modal

d. Select "Cancel" or the X in the upper righthand corner to close the modal without making any changes

4. Select "PDF" to upload a PDF to a given topic week

a. A modal will display

b. Select "Choose file" to select your PDF file

c. Select "Upload" to attach it to the topic week

d. Select the X in the upper righthand corner to close the modal without making any changes

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

e. If a given topic week has a PDF, it will display in the bottom left of the modal

i. To replace the existing PDF, choose a ne file and select "Upload"

ii. A warning will appear - select "OK" to proceed with replacing the existing file, or "Cancel" to stop

iii. To remove the PDF without replacing, select the "Remove PDF" button iv. A warning will appear - select "OK" to proceed with replacing the existing file, or "Cancel" to stop

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

5. When you are done editing the schedule:

a. Select "Save & Return" to return to the Study Schedule page and save your changes b. Select "Cancel" to return to the Study Schedule page WITHOUT saving your changes c. Select "Undo" to stay on the Edit Schedule page and revert any unsaved changes

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

Residents - Study Schedule User Guide

Table of Contents

A. Study Schedule Feature  Navigation

 Weekly Module Schedule  Weekly Quiz  Quiz History

B. Standard & Custom Study Schedules

Institutions who subscribe to the OCC portal can view a curriculum of study.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Residents – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

A. Study Schedule Feature


1. To view your institution's Study Schedule, select "Study Schedule" from the OCC homepage header menu.

2. If you see the below message, please contact your program administrator. This indicates that you have either a) not yet been assigned to one of the current study schedules or b) are assigned to a future study schedule that has not yet begun. Otherwise, continue to the next section, "Weekly Module Schedule" for more information.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Residents – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

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