AAO-HNSF Otolaryngology Core Curriculum - Study Schedule User Guides

 When viewing/editing a topic with a start date in the past, the Topic Availability Date section will display unactionable, with explanatory text indicating it can no longer be edited. The topic title, description, and included modules can be edited and republished, but the start date cannot be changed.

 Business Reason: By default, associated quizzes unlock two days prior to the start of a topic week. Therefore, the ability to add or move a week with a different quiz to that topic also locks. Question and Answer Locking  The Question-and-Answer selector tool is only available until a Study Schedule topic is published. Once published, quiz questions display in a read-only display when viewing the week.

 Business Reason: Programs can unlock all quizzes in published weeks. If they do, then a resident could work ahead and complete any quiz in a published week. Allowing editing when a user may have already started or submitted a quiz would cause issues with reporting and data for your programs.

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

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