AAO-HNSF Otolaryngology Core Curriculum - Study Schedule User Guides

6. To locate a specific resident or group of residents more easily:

a. Filter by typing the last name, first name, program year, study cycle, or study schedule in the "Type to filter" text box

i. Results will filter in real time to match your entry

b. Filter by selecting a program year from the dropdown menu

c. Sort by clicking the column heading to reorder results by that field

i. i.e., Clicking "First Name" will reorder the resident result list in ascending order by their name (and clicking again will reorder in descending order)

Assigning/Re-Assigning Residents

To assign/re-assign a schedule to a resident:

1. Check the box by each resident that you wish to assign to a given schedule (or check the box in the table header to select all residents)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Global Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

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