AAO-HNSF Otolaryngology Core Curriculum - Study Schedule User Guides

Resident Quiz Scores Rollup Report

Reporting showing the Study Schedule weekly quiz scores for all residents in a program

"By Range" Option

1. Selecting the option prompts you to select a "from - to" date range

a. You can enter dates manually or select from a calendar

i. Dates entered must fall within the Curriculum Year selected at the top of the page or an error prompt will display ii. Dates that do not fall within the selected curriculum year are grayed out and cannot be selected in the calendar selection

2. The "Run Report" button runs and displays the report

a. Report will run even if no data falls within the date range, but will display no data

b. Report loads in a new page

c. Report can be exported to Excel or CSV formats

d. Report displays the following column fields:

Date Completed

     

Full Name (Topic) Title

Week Number

Score (%)

Average program score (%)

©2024 AAO-HNSF OCC | Program Admin – Study Schedule User Guide | For assistance: occ@entnet.org

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