April 2020 HSC Section 4 - Plastic and Reconstructive Problems
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2019
may clarify the incidence of flap loss, framework exposure, infection, and aesthetic and functional results. Others have recommended the ulnar forearm flap to replace nasal lining. 14 Its advantages seem uncertain.
because of potential trauma to the forearm are also drawbacks of this procedure. Seth et al. described skin-grafting a thin ante- rior lateral thigh fascia flap to replace lining, with immediate primary rib support and forehead flap cover, in one stage in five patients. 8 A larger series
Fig. 7. Patient 1, who underwent two-fold reconstruction. ( Left ) Following nasec- tomy, upper lip excision, and irradiation for intranasal squamous cell carcinoma. The upper lip is short and retracted. ( Right ) Postoperative result at 2 years. (From Menick FJ. Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction: Principles and Practice . 2018. Publisher: www.aes- theticnasalreconstruction.com.)
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