April 2020 HSC Section 4 - Plastic and Reconstructive Problems

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • January 2019

our study. We are currently performing a prospec- tive study to evaluate the long-term results of laser resurfacing for perioral rhytides, with the hopes of further demonstrating the role of erbium laser resurfacing in the treatment of perioral rhytides. CONCLUSIONS Erbium laser powerfully corrects perioral rhytides. It is safe, predictable, and effective when performed as isolated perioral resurfacing or in combination with other facial rejuvenation tech- niques. These data show that laser resurfacing rather than surgical lifting corrects perioral rhyt- ides. This study proves that erbium laser results are equal to or better than carbon dioxide laser with lower complication rates. Erbium laser resur- facing is a useful adjunct in facial rejuvenation that delivers exceptional results with few com- plications when performed within the proper guidelines. A. Jay Burns, M.D.

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Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute 9101 North Central Expressway Dallas, Texas 75231 Twitter: @AJayBurnsMD

PATIENT CONSENT Patient provided written consent for the use of patient’s images.

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