HSC Section 3 - Trauma, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Follow-up Time, mo (Losses) AHI Oxygen Saturation Q I, e/h; F, e/h % Reduction Initial Final

Giannasi 2008 29 P 29 custom-made adjustable § 26.2 6 3.6 6 (0) I: 19.1 6 7.5; F: 5.6 6 4.0 70.83% † 98.1% 6 1.4% 98.7% 6 0.6% † H Vanderveken 2008 34 P 35 prefabricated 1 custom-made 28 6 4 9 (0) I: 14 6 12; F: cm, 6 6 8; tp, 11 6 9 cm, 57.14% † ; tp, 21.42% † 95% 6 1% cm, 95% 6 1%; tp, 95% 6 2% H Poon 2008 36 P 14 thermoplastic

Gasparini 2013 24 P 18 Gasparini § 29 6 (0) I: 31.5; F: 12 61.90% † 78% 90% † M 26.7 6 3.4 4–6 (4) I: 17.7 6 14.6; F: 7.5 6 10.9 57.62% † 94.7% 6 2.0% 96.2% 6 1.6% † H AHI classification: mild (AHI 5 5–15), moderate (AHI 5 16–30), severe (AHI > 30; Lawton et al. 3 ). The success criteria considered were a 50% reduction in AHI or a change in AHI level from severe or moder- ate to mild OSAHS. *Klearway. † P < .05. ‡ Twin Block. § Herbst. § Adjustable PM Positioner. # IST V R : Modified Herbst appliance. k TAP. ¶ SomnoDent. **SILENT NITE. †† RespiDent Butterfly. ‡‡ Gasparini et al. 24 §§ Somnoguard AP. AHI 5 apnea/hypopnea index; BMI 5 body mass index; cm 5 custom-made; e/h 5 apnea/hypopnea events/hour; F 5 final; H 5 high; I 5 initial; M 5 medium; MAD 5 mandibular advancement device; mod.- 5 moderate; OSAHS 5 obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome; P 5 prospective study; PC 5 prospective controlled study; Q 5 quality; R 5 retrospective study; TAP 5 Thornton Adjustable Positioner; tp 5 prefabricated. Giannasi 2013 30 P 71 custom-made adjustable § 26.7 6 3.6 6–9 (8) 56 OSAHS; I: 23.0 6 11; F: 5.8 6 4.0 74.78% † 97.5% 6 1.8% 97.7% 6 2.2% H Banhiran 2014 32 P 64 prefabricated adjustable §

28.0 6 3.1 12 (4) I: 29.7 6 18.5; F: 19.6 6 11.5 34% † — — H

adjustable duobloc § — 1 (4) I: 38.4 6 17.2; F: 10.9 6 14.7 71.61% † 75.5% 6 11.1% 86% 6 8.4% † H IST, 62.17% † ; TAP, 74.76% † IST, 82; TAP, 82 IST, 85.5; TAP, 86 † M — — H Ghazal 2009 38 P 103 thermoplastic adjustable § or

— 1–1.5 (0) I: 29.3 6 17.7; F: 6.8 6 7.9 76.79% † — — H

Zhou & Llu 2012 39 P 16 custom-made adjustable monobloc 1 custom-made adjustable duobloc § 26.67 6 3.22 6–7 (0) I: 26.38 6 4.13; F: monobloc, 7.58 6 2.28; SILENT NITE, 8.87 6 2.88 Monobloc, 71.26% † ; SILENT NITE, 66.37% † — — H De Lima 2013 46 P 30 adjustable 27.07 6 4.49 2 (10) I: 20.89 6 17.9; F: 4.43 6 3.09 78.79% † 84.3 6 9.33 92.75 6 2.4 H Dieltjens 2013 35 P 61 custom-made adjustable § 27.9 6 4.1 4 (4) I: 23.2 6 15.4; F: 8.9 6 8.6 61.63% † — — H

27.8 6 4.9 6 (0) I: 31.6 6 13.0; F: 9.8 6 7.4 68.98% † 72.2% 6 11.3% 83.6 6 7.2% † M

Lettieri 2011 23 R 922 fixed and adjustable § 28.7 6 4.4 adjustable, 29.3 6 4.7 fixed 84 (117) I: fixed, 30.1 6 24.4; adjustable, 29.7 6 23.1; F: fixed, 10.0 6 12.4; adjustable, 7.6 6 9.7 Fixed, 66.77% † ; adjustable, 74.41% † Fixed, 83.3% 6 8.8%; adjustable: 83.8% 6 7.6% Fixed, 85.7% 6 6.5%; adjustable, 88.1% 6 7.2% Duarte 2012 31 P 15 adjustable 28.99 5 (0) I: 18.3; F: 4.1 77.59% † 83.04 86.2 † H

Aarab 2010 10 P 20 adjustable, 25%, 50%, & 75% protrusion 27.2 6 3.2 10 (3) I: 23.0 6 14.4; F: 25%, 10.7 6 7.4; 50%, 7.5 6 6.0; 75%, 5.8 6 6.0 25%, 53.47% † ; 50%, 67.39% † ; 75%, 74.78% † ; — — H H

adjustable duobloc, § 46.15%; custom-made fixed duobloc, ‡ 25.27% 87.5% Herbst, 89%; Twin Block, 88% H

mod., 64.51% †

Mild, 74.31% † ;


2.8 6 0.5; mod., 6.6 6 1.8

29.2 1–1.5 (0) I: 45.5; F: custom-made adjustable duobloc, § 24.5; custom-made fixed duobloc, ‡ 34

25.9 6 2.9 24 (58) I: IST, 23; TAP, 21; F: IST, 8.7; TAP, 5.3 32.3 6 5.1 0.5 (10) I: mild, 10.9 6 4.5; mod.,

18.6 6 5.8; F: mild,


Study Type of Study No. and Type of MAD BMI, kg/m 2 2 Tsuiki 2004 2 P 20 custom-made

Effectiveness of Different Types of MAD by Sleep AHI and Oxygen Saturation.

custom-made adjustable § Kurtulmus 2009 41 P 10 moderate OSAHS 1 10 mild

adjustable duobloc §

adjustable duobloc §

adjustable duobloc ¶

Lawton 2005 3 P 16 custom-made fixed duobloc ‡ 1 custom-made

adjustable duobloc*

OSAHS, custom-made fixed MAD

Chan 2010 37 P 35 custom-made

Itzhaki 2007 28 PC 16 custom-made

Laryngoscope 126: February 2016

Serra-Torres et al.: Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea


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