HSC Section 3 - Trauma, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Annals of Plastic Surgery • Volume 83, Number 1, July 2019
Postoperative CT Use in Orbital Floor Fractures
TABLE 4. Number and Cost of Postoperative Imaging That Led to Changed Management in Patients With Orbital Floor Fracture Repair
No. Patients
No. CT Scans*
No. MRI Scans †
No. X-ray Scans ‡
Total Cost§
Postoperative CT scans Change in care
0 0
0 0
$719.20 $7048.16
No change in care
Postoperative alternative imaging Change in care
0 0
0 2
No change in care
Postoperative CT scan + alternative imaging Change in care 2
12 10
1 1
1 8
$2276.90 $3454.18
No change in care
*Orbit, face, and neck CT scan without contrast, $143.84. † Orbit, face, and neck MRI with and without contrast, $341.54. ‡ X-ray facial bones complete, $209.28. §2017 UCI Health Revenue Cycle.
Our study possesses a variety of limitations, stemming from its retrospective, single-site study design; one must be cautious in applying our findings to other patient populations or institutions. As a retrospec- tive study, archived medical records did not maintain uniformity in their reporting, and we acknowledge that a prospective assessment of radio- graphic efficacy would be preferred. Specifically, the size of orbital floor deficits was at times reported quantitatively (ie, in millimeters or centimeters), but other times qualitatively (ie, small, moderate, signifi- cant), requiring us to instead gauge severity of injury by the presence of concomitant orbital injuries. Moreover, at our institution, surgeons from different departments perform orbital floor fracture repairs, leading to dif- ferences in approach, materials (Synthes and Stryker titanium meshed plates were most commonly used), and postoperative management. Our institution does not have routine access to intraoperative CTor navigation tools to check implants; thus, implant placement confirmation is achieved by clinical testing only. We also defined a change in management as a need for reoperation. It is possible that postoperative CT scans provided the surgeon with information that impacted clinical management in a small way other than supporting surgical revision. Lastly, the pres- ence or absence of additional imaging modalities may have affected a surgeon's decision to pursue reoperation, but this was not a focus in our analysis. CT scans for recently repaired orbital fracture patients. However, the large number ordered and high cost of CT scans used for the assessment of these patients in our institution suggest that careful physical examina- tion may be more clinically beneficial than routine postoperative imag- ing. Because of this study's limitations, more exploration is required before applying this conclusion to other institutions; however, our re- sults clearly display one example of the surplus nature of postoperative CT scans. REFERENCES 1. Brenner DJ . Should we be concerned about the rapid increase in CT usage? Rev Environ Health . 2010;25:63 – 68. CONCLUSIONS Currently, there are no clear guidelines regarding postoperative
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