HSC Section 3 - Trauma, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Sun et al

Fig. 4. Axial-section temporal bone CT scan showing longitudinal fracture ( red arrow ) of the temporal bone involving the geniculate ganglion ( white arrow ). MCF approach was used for facial nerve decompression, which was found to be anatomically intact. Facial nerve func- tion returned to HB 1 by 6 months postoperatively.

A posteriorly based skin flap approximately 6 8 cm is created within the hairline above the ear. The incision is carried down to the level of the temporalis fascia and should remain posterior to the temporal hairline to avoid injury to the temporal branch of the facial nerve. The temporoparietal fascia is left attached to the skin flap. A large

Fig. 5. Axial-section temporal bone CT scan showing transverse fracture ( red arrow ) of the temporal bone through the otic capsule resulting in injury to the perigeniculate section ( white arrow ) of the facial nerve, which was decompressed via a translabyrinthine approach.


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