HSC Section 6 Nov2016 Green Book
Reiter et al
16. Rickert SM, Childs LF, Carey BT, Murry T, Sulica L. Laryngeal electromyography for prognosis of vocal fold palsy: a meta-analysis. Laryngoscope . 2012;122(1):158-161. 17. Sittel C, Stennert E, Thumfart WF, Dapunt U, Eckel HE. Prognostic value of laryngeal electromyography in vocal fold paralysis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2001;127(2):155-160. 18. Blitzer A, Crumley RL, Dailey SH, et al. Recommendations of the Neurolaryngology Study Group on laryngeal electromyog- raphy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2009;140(6):782-793. 19. Munin MC, Rosen CA, Zullo T. Utility of laryngeal electro- myography in predicting recovery after vocal fold paralysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil . 2003;84(8):1150-1153. 20. Djukic V, Milovanovic J, Jotic AD, Vukasinovic M. Stroboscopy in detection of laryngeal dysplasia effectiveness and limitations. J Voice . 2014;28(2):262.e13-262. 21. El-Demerdash A, Fawaz SA, Sabri SM, Sweed A, Rabie H. Sensitivity and specificity of stroboscopy in preoperative differentiation of dysplasia from early invasive glottic carci- noma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol . 2015;272(5):1189-1193. 22. Chhetri DK, Berke GS. Injection of cultured autologous fibroblasts for human vocal fold scars. Laryngoscope . 2011;121(4):785-792.
9. Harries ML, Morrison M. The role of stroboscopy in the man- agement of a patient with a unilateral vocal fold paralysis. J Laryngol Otol . 1996;110(2):141-143. 10. Sercarz JA, Berke GS, Ming Y, Gerratt BR, Natividad M. Videostroboscopy of human vocal fold paralysis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 1992;101(7):567-577. 11. HiranoM,YoshidaY,YoshidaT,TateishiO.Strobofiberscopic video recording of vocal fold vibration. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 1985;94:588-590. 12. Simpson CB, Cheung EJ, Jackson CJ. Vocal fold paresis: clinical and electrophysiologic features in a tertiary laryngol- ogy practice. J Voice . 2009;23(3):396-398. 13. Simpson CB, May LS, Green JK, Eller RL, Jackson CE. Vibratory asymmetry in mobile vocal folds: is it predic- tive of vocal fold paresis? Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 2011;120(4):239-242. 14. Altman KW. Laryngeal asymmetry on indirect laryngos- copy in a symptomatic patient should be evaluated with electromyography. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2005;131(4):356-360. 15. KosztyĆa-Hojna B, Rogowski M. Usefulness of video- laryngo-stroboscopy in the diagnosis of laryngeal pathology. Pol Merkur Lekarski . 2003;14(83):413-416.
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