HSC Section 6 Nov2016 Green Book
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 123(4)
22. Abbott BC, Bigland B. The effects of force and speed changes on the rate of oxygen consumption during negative work. J Physiol . 1953;120(3):319-325. 23. Bigland B, Lippold OCJ. The relation between force, velocity and integrated electrical activity in human muscles. J Physiol . 1954;123(1):214-224. 24. Bigland B, Lippold OCJ. Motor unit activity in the voluntary contraction of human muscle. J Physiol . 1954;125(2):322-335. 25. Lindestad PÅ, Fritzell B, Persson A. Quantitative analysis of laryngeal EMG in normal subjects. Acta Otolaryngol . 1991;111(6):1146-1152. 26. Statham MM, Rosen CA, Nandedkar SD, Munin MC. Quantitative laryngeal electromyography: turns and amplitude analysis. Laryngoscope . 2010;120(10):2036-2041. 27. Lindestad PÅ, Persson A. Quantitative analysis of EMG interference pattern in patients with laryngeal paresis. Acta Otolaryngol . 1994;114(1):91-97. 28. Hirano M, Vennard W, Ohala J. Regulation of register, pitch and intensity of voice. An electromyographic inves- tigation of intrinsic laryngeal muscles. Folia Phoniatr . 1970;22(1):1-20. 29. Sataloff RT, Praneetvatakul P, Heuer RJ, et al. Laryngeal electro- myography: clinical application. J Voice . 2010;24(2):228-234. 30. Statham MM, Rosen CA, Nandedkar SD, Munin MC. Quantitative laryngeal electromyography: turns and ampli- tude analysis. Laryngoscope . 2010;120(10):2036-2041.
voluntary contraction. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research . 1997;11(2):68-72. 14. Yang JF, Winter DA. Electromyography reliability in maxi- mal and submaximal isometric contractions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil . 1983;64(9):417-420. 15. Huber JE, Stathopoulos ET. Respiratory and laryngeal responses to an oral air pressure bleed during speech. J Speech Lang Hear Res . 2003;46(5):1207-1220. 16. Donzelli J, Brady S. The effects of breath-holding on vocal fold adduction: implications for safe swallowing. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2004;130(2):208-210. 17. Smith LJ, Rosen CA, Niyonkuru C, Munin MC. Quantitative electromyography improves prediction in vocal fold paraly- sis. Laryngoscope . 2012;122(4):854-859. 18. Rubin AD, Sataloff RT. Vocal fold paresis and paralysis. Otolaryngol Clin North Am . 2007;40(5):1109-1131. 19. Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics . Belmont, CA: Duxbury Press; 2005. 20. Burden A. How should we normalize electromyograms obtained from healthy participants? What we have learned from over 25 years of research. J Electromyogr Kinesiol . 2010;20(6):1023-1035. 21. University of Iowa Health Care. Iowa head and neck protocols: laryngeal electromyography. http://www.healthcare.uiowa. edu/otolaryngology/protocols//Parts/Part1/Part1C/P1C4.htm. Accessed July 14, 2008.
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