HSC Section 8_April 2017
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 148(6)
assessment of disease involvement by CT and MRI remains valuable. Although the extent of anatomical involvement does not reliably predict outcome, those with clival involve- ment indicating central skull base osteomyelitis were noted to do much poorer with conventional treatment, and this should be explored in future studies. The choice of antibio- tic therapy is difficult in culture-negative cases in view of increasing reports of antibiotic resistance in P aeruginosa , but our outcomes with empirical combination therapy using intravenous ceftazidime and oral fluoroquinolone suggests that this regime remains effective.
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Author Contributions
Shaun Loh , data collection, entry, analysis and writing of manu- script; Woei Shyang Loh , study idea, advice on analysis, review of manuscript.
Disclosures Competing interests: None. Sponsorships: None. Funding source: None.
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