HSC Section 8_April 2017


FIG. 4. Speech perception scores. Monosyllabic word test V preoperative versus postoperative percent correct. Note: Mean values are depicted as black quadrants ; median values as horizontal lines . Circles and asterisks represent outliers.

Tinnitus Outcomes Tinnitus levels decreased for the three subjects (Subjects 2, 4, and 11) experiencing tinnitus pre-surgery. Subjects 4 and 11, with VSB use, experienced a decrease of their tinnitus perception to a nonsignificant level according to the clinical criteria (TRQ e 17; Wilson et al. [18]) and their percentage score had diminished by more than 40%. See Figure 5 which demonstrates the pre- versus post-VSB tinnitus perception results. The difference in TRQ scor- ing between pre- and postoperative testing was significant ( p G 0.05).

better coupling efficiency. Please see Supplementary Dig- ital Content 2 (http://links.lww.com/MAO/A317) for full statistical test results. Figure 3 shows the relative coupling efficiency across frequencies. It was found that the fascia coupling group had a lower coupling efficiency across the frequencies as reflected in their thresholds being to the left of the ‘‘best fit’’ line. Audiologic Testing V Speech in Quiet Outcomes The improvement in monosyllable speech perception from preoperative to postoperative testing was significant ( p G 0.001). An average unaided score of 32.7% (SD 35.35%) was attained, compared to 90.8% (SD 5.53%) with the VSB. See Figure 4.


This study hypothesized that coupling the FMT to the ossicles would provide at least equivalent coupling

FIG. 5. Tinnitus perception scores as measured by the TRQ (Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire).

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 36, No. 7, 2015


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