HSC Section 8_April 2017
Wanna et al
Fig. 2. ( A ) Axial cut of a T1 MRI with contrast showing a left jugular foramen meningioma. The tumor is designated by the white arrow. ( B ) Coronal cut of a T1 MRI with contrast showing a left jugular foramen meningioma. The tumor is designated by the white arrow.
mutation, Bodeker and colleagues recommend molecular genetic screening for SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD in all head and neck paragangliomas. 19,20 The authors’ practice has been to offer patients genetic counseling and to collect and bank deiden- tified blood and tumor DNA from patients with JP undergoing surgery for future studies.
Fig. 3. ( A ) Axial cut of a T1 MRI without contrast showing a right jugular foramen schwan- noma. The tumor is designated by the white arrow. ( B ) Axial cut of a T1 MRI with contrast showing enhancement of a right jugular foramen schwannoma. The tumor is designated by the white arrow.
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