HSC Section 8_April 2017
8. Husseini ST, Piccirillo E, Taibah A, Almutair T, Sequino G, Sanna M. Sal- vage surgery of vestibular schwannoma after failed radiotherapy: the Gruppo Otologico experience and review of the literature. Am J Otolar- yngol 2013;34:107–114. 9. Gerganov VM, Giordano M, Samii A, Samii M. Surgical treatment of patients with vestibular schwannomas after failed previous radiosur- gery. J Neurosurg 2012;116:713–720. 10. Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines for the evaluation of hearing preservation in acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma). Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995;113:179–180. 11. House JW, Brackmann DE. Facial nerve grading system. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1985;93:146–147. 12. Pollock BE, Link MJ, Foote RL. Failure rate of contemporary low-dose radiosurgical technique for vestibular schwannoma. J Neurosurg 2009; 111:840–844. 13. Carlson ML, Van Abel KM, Driscoll CL, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging surveillance following vestibular schwannoma resection. Laryngoscope 2012;122:378–388. 14. Schmitt WR, Daube JR, Carlson ML, et al. Use of supramaximal stimula- tion to predict facial nerve outcomes following vestibular schwannoma microsurgery: results from a decade of experience. J Neurosurg 2013; 118:206–212. 15. Mahboubi H, Maducdoc MM, Yau AY, et al. Vestibular schwannoma exci- sion in sporadic versus neurofibromatosis type 2 populations. Otolaryn- gol Head Neck Surg 2015;153:822–831. 16. Carlson ML, Jacob JT, Pollock BE, et al. Long-term hearing outcomes fol- lowing stereotactic radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: patterns of hearing loss and variables influencing audiometric decline. J Neurosurg 2013;118:579–587. 17. Yang I, Sughrue ME, Han SJ, et al. A comprehensive analysis of hearing preservation after radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: clinical arti- cle. J Neurosurg 2013;119(suppl):851–859. 18. Roos DE, Potter AE, Zacest AC. Hearing preservation after low dose linac radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma depends on initial hearing and time. Radiotherapy Oncol 2011;101:420–424. 19. Hasegawa T, Kida Y, Kato T, Iizuka H, Yamamoto T. Factors associated with hearing preservation after gamma knife surgery for vestibular
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Wise et al.: Surgical Salvage for Recurrent VS
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