HSC Section 8_April 2017

Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 154(5)

21. Santos PM, Hall RA, Snyder JM, et al. Diuretic and diet effect on Meniere’s disease evaluated by the 1985 Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 1993;109:680-689. 22. Varga G, Miriszlai E, Szabo´ LZ. Experiences with acetazola- mid therapy applied in our clinic to patients suffering from Me´nie`re’s disease for more than 8 years. J Laryngol Otol . 1966;80:250-269. 23. Yamazaki T, Imoto T, Hayashi N, Watanabe S, Kozaki H, Abe T. Menie`re’s disease and isosorbide as an oral hyperosmotic agent (author’s transl) [in German]. Arch Otorhinolaryngol . 1982;234:97-104. 24. Corvera J, Corvera G. Long-term effect of acetazolamide and chlorthalidone on the hearing loss of Meniere’s disease. Am J Otol . 1989;10:142-145. 25. Eryaman E, Gokcan G, Parmaksiz E, et al. Are thiazides effec- tive on hypertensive vertigo? A preliminary study. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg . 2012;22:219-224. 26. Kakigi A, Takeda T, Saito H, et al. Effect of isosorbide on hearing loss due to endolymphatic hydrops. Acta Otolaryngol Supp . 1995;519:223-226. 27. Salt AN, Inamura N, Thalmann R, et al. Calcium gradients in inner ear endolymph. Am J Otolaryngol . 1989;10:371-375. 28. Kariya S, Cureoglu S, Fukushima H, et al. Vascular findings in the stria vascularis of patients with unilateral or bilateral Meniere’s disease: a histopathologic temporal bone study. Otol Neurotol . 2009;30:1006-1012. 29. Masutani H, Takahashi H, Sando I. Stria vascularis in Meniere’s disease: a quantitative histopathological study. Auris Nasus Larynx . 1992;19:145-152. 30. Watanabe I. Me´nie`re’s disease. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec . 1980;42:20-45. 31. Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium. Report of Subcommittee on Equilibrium and Its Measurement. Meniere’s disease: criteria for diagnosis and evaluation of therapy for reporting. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol . 1972;76: 1462-1464. 32. American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Foundation. Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines for the diagnosis and evaluation of therapy in Meniere’s dis- ease. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 1995;113:181-185. 33. Pearson BW, Brackmann DE. Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines for reporting treatment results in Meniere’s disease. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 1985;93:579- 581. 34. Lexicomp Online.Hudson, OH: Lexi-Comp, Inc; 2015. 35. Barrett RJ, Wright KF, Taylor DR, et al. Cardiovascular and renal actions of calcium channel blocker chemical subgroups: a search for renal specificity. J Pharm Pharmacol . 1988;40: 408-14.

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