Section 4 Plastic and Reconstructive Problems

Original Investigation Research

Aesthetic and Functional Results of Lateral Crural Repositioning

Table 1. Evaluation of Demographic Characteristics by Skin Type

Skin Type Group

All Patients (N = 71) 26.5 (5.9) 12.7 (1.7)

Thin (n = 17)

Normal (n = 29)

Thick (n = 25)

P Value


Age, mean (SD), y

28.1 (5.4) 12.4 (1.8)

26.0 (6.2) 12.6 (1.8)

26.1 (6.0) 12.9 (1.6)

.48 a

a Calculated using 1-way analysis of variance. b Postoperative follow-up ranged from 10 to 15 months. c Calculated using the Fisher-Freeman-Halton test.

Duration of follow-up, mean (SD), mo b


Sex, No. (%) Female

64 (90)

14 (82)

28 (97)

22 (88)

.21 c


7 (10)

3 (18)

1 (3)

3 (12)

Table 2. Evaluation of NOSE Scale and ROE Questionnaire Scores by Skin Type a

Skin Type Group

All Patients (N = 71)

Thin (n = 17)

Normal (n = 29)

Thick (n = 25)

P Value b

NOSE Score Preoperative Postoperative 6-mo

6.96 (5.10) [7.0]

6.59 (5.09) [8.0]

8.41 (4.59) [9.0]

5.52 (5.42) [4.0]


3.18 (3.12) [2.0] 0.39 (1.07) [0]

2.59 (2.18) [2.0] 0.11 (0.33) [0]

3.97 (4.16) [3.0] 0.28 (0.79) [0]

2.68 (1.93) [3.0] 0.72 (1.54) [0]

.53 .19 NA


P value c





Change Preoperative to 6-mo postoperative

−3.77 (4.76) [−4.0]

−4.00 (4.88) [−4.0] −6.47 (5.07) [−8.0] −2.47 (2.21) [−8.0]

−4.45 (6.32) [−5.0] −8.13 (4.48) [−18.0] −3.68 (4.28) [−20.0]

−2.84 (5.73) [−2.0] −4.80 (5.22) [−3.0] −1.96 (2.16) [−2.0]


Preoperative to 12-mo postoperative −6.56 (5.04) [−7.0]


6- to 12-mo postoperative

−2.78 (3.26) [−2.0]


ROE Score Preoperative Postoperative 6-mo

7.03 (3.70) [6.0]

7.76 (3.82) [7.0]

6.97 (3.24) [6.0]

6.60 (4.16) [6.0]


21.06 (3.82) [23.0] 23.12 (2.09) [24.0]

22.65 (2.32) [24.0] 23.29 (1.72) [24.0]

20.38 (4.69) [23.0] 23.31 (1.91) [24.0]

20.76 (3.29) [22.0] 22.80 (2.53) [24.0]

.07 .83 NA .75 .76 .04


P value c





Change Preoperative to 6-mo postoperative

14.03 (5.12) [15.0]

14.88 (4.34) [16.0] 15.53 (4.01) [16.0]

13.41 (5.82) [15.0] 16.34 (3.60) [18.0] 2.93 (4.39) [1.0]

14.16 (4.84) [14.0] 16.20 (4.31) [16.0] 2.04 (2.33) [2.0]

Preoperative to 12-mo postoperative 16.09 (3.92) [17.0]

6- to 12-mo postoperative

2.07 (3.50) [1.0]

0.65 (2.84) [0]

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; NOSE, Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation scale; ROE, Rhinoplasty Outcomes Evaluation questionnaire. a Unless otherwise indicated, data are expressed as mean (SD) [median]. b Calculated using the Kruskal-Wallis test, difference among skin type groups. c Calculated using the Wilcoxon signed rank test, difference among evaluation periods.

tistically significant differences between skin types when comparing preoperative and 6-month postoperative scores or 6- and 12-month postoperative scores ( P > .05) (Table 2). The patients in this study showed no statistically signifi- cant differences according to skin type inROE scores at the pre- operative ( P = .60) or 6-month postoperative ( P = .07) evalu- ations. PostoperativeROEscores amongpatientswith thick skin types were noticeably lower than those of patients with nor- mal skin types, although the differences between skin types in 12-month postoperative ROE scoreswas not statistically sig- nificant ( P = .83) (Table 2 and Figure 3 ). Among all patients, mean (SD) ROE scores were 7.03 (3.70) at thepreoperative evaluation, 21.06 (3.82) at the6-monthpost- operative evaluation, and 23.12 (2.09) at the 12-month post- operative evaluation. The mean increases in scores from the preoperative to 6-month postoperative (14.03 [5.12]), preop-

Among patients with a thin skin type, mean (SD) NOSE scores decreased significantly from the preoperative to 6-month postoperative (−4.00 [4.88]; P = .008), preoperative to 12-month postoperative (−6.47 [5.07]; P < .01), and 6- to 12- month postoperative (−2.47 [2.21]; P < .01) evaluations ( Figure 2 ). Amongpatientswithanormal skin type,meanNOSE scores decreased significantly from the preoperative to 6-month postoperative (−4.45 [6.32]; P = .001), the preopera- tive to 12-month postoperative (−8.13 [4.48]; P < .01), and the 6- to 12-month postoperative (−3.68 [4.28]; P < .01) evalua- tions. Patients with a thick skin type also showed statistically significant decreases inNOSE scores from the preoperative to the 6-month postoperative (−2.84 [5.73]; P = .04), preopera- tive to the 12-month postoperative (−4.80 [5.22]; P < .01), and 6- to 12-month postoperative (−1.96 [2.16]; P < .01) evalua- tions. Evaluation of changes in NOSE scores revealed no sta-

(Reprinted) JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery July/August 2015 Volume 17, Number

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