September 2019 HSC Section 1 Congenital and Pediatric Problems
B.J. Liming et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 90 (2016) 251 e 258
Section 5: Workup of child with conductive or mixed hearing loss
habilitation can occur by 6 months of age. Any child with a persistent effusion should undergo myringotomy and tubes with a follow up ABR. For the child with persistent conductive loss, habilitation should be initiated as soon as possible and CT scan may be considered when the child is older. Children with SNHL after resolution of the conductive loss should enter the algorithm for SNHL.
The management of an effusion in infants is dependent on the age at which it is identi fi ed. All authors advocate for a period of observation in the child who has a middle ear effusion, usually 3 months. Some authors suggest a shorter surveillance period (4 e 6 weeks) in a child older than 3 months to ensure that treatment and
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