2017-18 HSC Section 3 Green Book
Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
model performed by air ambulance anaesthesiologists. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med . 2013;21:59. 40. Brown CA III, Cox K, Hurwitz S, Walls RM. 4,871 emergency airway encounters by air medical providers: a report of the air transport emergency airway management (NEAR VI: ‘‘A-TEAM’’) project. West J Emerg Med . 2014;15(2):188-193. 41. Dillon JK, Christensen B, Fairbanks T, Jurkovich G, Moe KS. The emergent surgical airway: cricothyrotomy vs. tracheotomy. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2013;42(2):204-208. 42. Graham DB, Eastman AL, Aldy KN, et al. Outcomes and long term follow-up after emergent cricothyroidotomy: is routine con- version to tracheostomy necessary? Am Surg . 2011;77(12): 1707-1711. 43. Wright MJ, Greenberg DE, Hunt JP, Madan AK, McSwain NE Jr. Surgical cricothyroidotomy in trauma patients. South Med J . 2003;96(5):465-467. 44. Altman KW, Waltonen JD, Kern RC. Urgent surgical airway intervention: a 3 year county hospital experience. Laryngoscope . 2005;115(12):2101-2104. 45. Peters J, Bruijstens L, van der Ploeg J, Tan E, Hoogerwerf N, Edwards M. Indications and results of emergency surgical air- ways performed by a physician-staffed helicopter emergency ser- vice. Injury . 2015;46(5):787-790. 46. Xeropotamos NS, Coats TJ, Wilson AW. Prehospital surgical airway management: 1 year’s experience from the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service. Injury . 1993;24(4):222-224. 47. Berkow LC, Greenberg RS, Kan KH, et al. Need for emergency surgical airway reduced by a comprehensive difficult airway pro- gram. Anesth Analg . 2009;109(6):1860-1869. 48. Hillel AT, Pandian V, Mark LJ, et al. A novel role for otolaryn- gologists in the multidisciplinary Difficult Airway Response Team. Laryngoscope . 2015;125(3):640-644. 49. Henderson SO, McClung CD, Sintuu C, Swadron SP. The pres- ence of an Emergency Airway Response Team and its effects on in-hospital Code Blue. J Emerg Med . 2009;36(2):116-120. 50. Long L, Vanderhoff B, Smyke N, Shaffer LE, Solomon J, Steuer JD. Management of difficult airways using a hospital-wide ‘‘Alpha Team’’ approach. Am J Med Qual . 2010;25(4):297-304. 51. Adams MC, Schmidt U, Hess DR, Stelfox HT, Bittner EA. Exam- ination of patterns in intubation by an emergency airway team at a large academic center: higher frequency during daytime hours. Respir Care . 2014;59(5):743-748. 52. Gonzalez MN, Weston B, Yuce TK, et al. One-year experience with the Institution of a Critical Airway Team at an Academic Medical Center. J Emerg Med . 2016;50(1):194-197. 53. Mark LJ, Herzer KR, Cover R, et al. Difficult airway response team: a novel quality improvement program for managing hospital-wide airway emergencies. Anesth Analg . 2015;121(1): 127-139.
25. Cook T, Behringer EC, Benger J. Airway management outside the operating room: hazardous and incompletely studied. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol . 2012;25(4):461-469. 26. Martin LD, Mhyre JM, Shanks AM, Tremper KK, Kheterpal S. 3,423 emergency tracheal intubations at a university hospital: airway outcomes and complications. Anesthesiology . 2011; 114(1):42-48. 27. De Jong A, Molinari N, Terzi N, et al; AzuRe´a Network for the Frida-Re´a Study Group. Early identification of patients at risk for difficult intubation in the intensive care unit: development and validation of the MACOCHA score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med . 2013;187(8):832-839. 28. Khandelwal N, Galgon RE, Ali M, Joffe AM. Cardiac arrest is a predictor of difficult tracheal intubation independent of oper- ator experience in hospitalized patients. BMC Anesthesiol . 2014;14:38. 29. Difficult Airway Society Extubation Guidelines Group, Popat M, Mitchell V, Dravid R, Patel A, Swampillai C, Higgs A. Difficult Airway Society Guidelines for the management of tracheal extu- bation. Anaesthesia . 2012;67(3):318-340. 30. McGill J, Clinton JE, Ruiz E. Cricothyrotomy in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med . 1982;11(7):361-364. 31. Spaite DW, Joseph M. Prehospital cricothyrotomy: an investiga- tion of indications, technique, complications, and patient out- come. Ann Emerg Med . 1990;19(3):279-285. 32. Gillespie MB, Eisele DW. Outcomes of emergency surgical air- way procedures in a hospital-wide setting. Laryngoscope . 1999; 109(11):1766-1769. 33. Bair AE, Panacek EA, Wisner DH, Bales R, Sakles JC. Cricothyr- otomy: a 5-year experience at one institution. J Emerg Med . 2003; 24(2):151-156. 34. McIntosh SE, Swanson ER, Barton ED. Cricothyrotomy in air medical transport. J Trauma . 2008;64(6):1543-1547. 35. Warner KJ, Sharar SR, Copass MK, Bulger EM. Prehospital man- agement of the difficult airway: a prospective cohort study. J Emerg Med . 2009;36(3):257-265. 36. Paix BR, Griggs WM. Emergency surgical cricothyroidotomy: 24 successful cases leading to a simple ‘scalpel-finger-tube’ method. Emerg Med Australas . 2012;24(1):23-30. 37. Hessert MJ, Bennett BL. Optimizing emergent surgical cricothyr- otomy for use in austere environments. Wilderness Environ Med . 2013;24(1):53-66. 38. Hill C, Reardon R, Joing S, Falvey D, Miner J. Cricothyrotomy technique using gum elastic bougie is faster than standard tech- nique: a study of emergency medicine residents and medical stu- dents in an animal lab. Acad Emerg Med . 2010;17(6):666-669. 39. Nakstad AR, Bredmose PP, Sandberg M. Comparison of a percu- taneous device and the bougie-assisted surgical technique for emergency cricothyrotomy: an experimental study on a porcine
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