2017-18 HSC Section 3 Green Book
Abdelsattar ZM, Hendren S, Wong SL, et al. The impact of untreated obstructive sleep apnea on cardiopulmonary complications in general and vascular surgery: a cohort study. Sleep . 2015; 38(8):1205-1210. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Management of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Practice guidelines for the perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea: an updated report. Anesthesiology . 2014; 120(2):268-286. Aziz MF, Healy D, Kheterpal S, et al. Routine clinical practice effectiveness of the Glidescope in difficult airway management: an analysis of 2,004 Glidescope intubations, complications, and failures from two institutions. Anesthesiology . 2011; 114(1): 34-41.
Becker M, Leuchter I, Platon A, et al. Imaging of laryngeal trauma. Eur J Radiol . 2014; 83(1):142-154.
Burchhardt DM, David J, Eckert R, et al. Trauma patterns, symptoms, and complications associated with external auditory canal fractures. Laryngoscope . 2015; 125(7):1579-1582.
Burgess CA, Dale OT, Almeyda R, Corbridge RJ. An evidence based review of the assessment and management of penetrating neck trauma. Clin Otolaryngol . 2012; 37(1)44-52.
Charakorn N, Kezirian EJ. Drug-induced sleep endoscopy. Otolaryngol Clin North Am . 2016; 49(6):1359-1372.
Chau EH, Lam D, Wong J, et al. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome: a review of epidemiology, pathophysiology, and perioperative considerations. Anesthesiology . 2012; 117(1):188-205.
Chirica M, Bonavina L, Kelly MD, et al. Caustic ingestion. Lancet . 2017; 389(10083):2041-2052.
Coon D, Kosztowski M, Mahoney NR, et al. Principles for management of orbital fractures in the pediatric population: a cohort study of 150 patients. Plast Reconstr Surg . 2016; 137(4):1234-1240.
de Carvalho M, Swash M. Neurologic complications of craniovertebral dislocation. Handb Clin Neurol . 2014; 119:435-448.
DuBose JJ, Savage SA, Fabian TC, et al. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma PROspective Observational Vascular Injury Treatment (PROOVIT) registry: multicenter data on modern vascular injury diagnosis, management, and outcomes. J Trauma Acute Care Surg . 2015; 78(2):215-222.
Dunklebarger J, Branstetter B 4 th , Lincoln A, et al. Pediatric temporal bone fractures: current trends and comparison of classification schemes. Laryngoscope . 2014; 124(3):781-784.
Dutton RP. Management of traumatic haemorrhage--the US perspective. Anaesthesia . 2015; 70(Suppl 1):108-111.
Gart MS, Gosain AK. Evidence-based medicine: orbital floor fractures. Plast Reconstr Surg . 2014; 134(6):1345-1355.
Han TH, Teissler H, Han RJ, et al. Managing difficult airway in patients with post-burn mentosternal and circumoral scar contractures. Int J Burns Trauma . 2012; 2(2):80-85.
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