xRead Article 1 - Electronic Consults in Otolaryngology

mitigated this negative e # ect. Other studies demonstrated that factors such as eye contact, attention, and communication were more impactful than wait time or time spent with the physician. Even something as simple as a clear introduction has been shown to increase satisfaction. Therefore, being mindful of these elements and incorporating them in practice may increase patient satisfaction. Conclusion Our study revealed multiple signi " cant, independent predictors of increased and decreased patient satisfaction. Awareness of these factors can help guide policy decisions, improve clinician-patient interactions among various demographics as well as implementing institutional adjustments to improve patient satisfaction. Further investigation is warranted to explore what factors contribute to discrepancies in satisfaction among di # erent racial backgrounds and how might satisfaction change for patients seen longitudinally. Authors’ Note Meeting Information: 123rd Annual Meeting at 2021 Virtual COSM, Triologic Society, April 9th and 10th, 2021 Declaration of Con ! icting Interests The author(s) declared the following potential con ! icts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: NIH/NIA—Research Funding (R21 AG067403-01A1)—Contracted Researcher. Med-El—Other Financial Bene " t— Surgical Advisory Board. Cochlear Corp and Advanced Bionics—Institutional Research Funding—Contracted Researcher. Harmonson Law Firm, Sigfried and Jenson Law Firm, Burbidge and White Law Firm, US Attorney General—Consulting Fee—Medical Legal Consulting. Funding The author(s) received no " nancial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. 54 37


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