xRead - Globus and Chronic Cough (April 2024)
Altman and Irwin
Systemic Disease and other
Flexible laryngoscopy Stroboscopy Serology Biopsy Steroid injection
RAST Allergy skin testing Nasal endoscopy Sinus CT
MRI brain Modified barium swallow Laryngeal EMG Laryngeal function studies Botox injection Vocal fold injection Medialization laryngoplasty
Immunotherapy FESS sinuplasty
Chronic Cough
CT neck CT chest MRI Ultrasound
PFTs Methacholine challenge Chest X-ray Chest CT Bronchoscopy Airway fluoroscopy
FNA PET Laryngoscopy & biopsy
Esophageal Barium esophagogram TNE EGD Manometry 24-hour pH/impedance Gastric emptying
VATS thoracotomy
Surgery Radiation therapy Chemotherapy Rehabilitation
CP myotomy Zenker’s diverticulotomy
Figure 2. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures associated with different cough-related disease states and anatomic sites. CP, cricopharyngeus; CT, computed tomography; EGD, esophagogastroduodenoscopy; EMG, electromyography; FESS, functional endoscopic sinus surgery; FNA, fine needle aspiration; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; PFT, pulmonary function testing; RAST, radioabsorbentimmunoassay;TNE, transnasal esophagoscopy;VATS, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery.
outcomes of different algorithm steps through critical pathways should improve value in health care. 8 Therein lies an additional role for the otolaryngologist to master partnerships in the care of patients with chronic cough. Conclusion There are many opportunities for the otolaryngologist to develop a more prominent role in caring for patients with chronic cough. The very large number of patients with cough not treated by otolaryngologists suggests an unmet need. Otolaryngologists are ideally suited to help with understand ing the interrelation of aerodigestive diseases in these patients. Finally, many bridges need to be built between otolaryngol ogy, pulmonology, and gastroenterology toward true inte grated practice units. Otolaryngologists have a responsibility
to demonstrate leadership in these collaborations and to remain active in championing patient care.
Author Contributions Kenneth W. Altman , conception and preparation; Richard S. Irwin , conception and preparation. Disclosures Competing interests: None. Sponsorships: None. Funding source: None. References 1. Madison JM, Irwin RS. Cough: a worldwide problem. Otolaryn gol Clin North Am . 2010;43:1-13.
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