xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

1q4u.eMstioonndnianiareMs., Marro M, Maurice S, Stoll D, de Gabory L. Assessment of nasal septoplasty using NOSE and RhinoQoL Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol . 2012;269(10):2189-2195. [PubMed: 22231798] 1o5b.sLtroudcdtieornW? L, Leong SC. What are the clinically important outcome measures in the surgical management of nasal Clin Otolaryngol . 2017;00:1-5. [PubMed: 29078021] 16. Egan KK, Kim DW. A novel intranasal stent for functional rhinoplasty and nostril stenosis. Laryngoscope . 2005;115(5):903-909. [PubMed: 15867663] 1ce7p. hBaalrihcacmruHraPl, tKunrnis-einlyfoAr, cCohrrriesctetinosnenofJ,eSxatecrknsaRl ,vMalvarecdeyl lssfuGnNc,tHioanr.vey RJ. Cos tal cartil age l ateral crural s trut graft vs JAMA Facial Plast Surg . 2015;17(5):340-345. [PubMed: 26247619] 1va8l.vCehcaomrrbeecrtsioKnJ,iHn oprasttikenottstewKiAth, SahhainslteoyryKo, Lf ifnaidlseadysRepWto. Epvlaasltuya.tion of improvement in nasal obstruction following nasal JAMA Facial Plast Surg . 2015;17(5):347-350. [PubMed: 26291169] 19. Deroee AF, Younes AA, Friedman O. External nasal valve collapse repair: the limited alar-facial stab approach. Laryngoscope . 2011;121(3):474-479. [PubMed: 21344421] 2co0r. rPeaclteisoyn To,fPerxattetrEn,aMl nraasdaNl v, aMlvaercdeyllssfuGnNc,tiHoanr.vey RJ. Airflow and patient-perceived improvement following rhinoplastic JAMA Facial Plast Surg . 2015;17(2):131-136. [PubMed: 25675172] 2q1u.aRlihtyeeofJSl,ifPeo. etker DM, Smith TL, Bustillo A, Burzynski M, Davis RE. Nasal valve surgery improves disease-specific Laryngoscope . 2005;115(3):437-440. [PubMed: 15744153] 22. Roofe SB, Most SP. Placement of a lateral nasal suspension suture via an external rhinoplasty approach. Arch Facial Plast Surg . 2007;9(3):214-216. [PubMed: 17515499] 23. Sufyan A, Ziebarth M, Crousore N, Berguson T, Kokoska MS. Nasal batten grafts: are patients satisfied? Arch Facial Plast Surg . 2012;14(1):14-19. [PubMed: 22250264] 24. Tan S, Rotenberg B. Functional outcomes after lateral crural J-flap repair of external nasal valve collapse. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 2012;121(1):16-20. [PubMed: 22312923] 2rh5i.nYoepulnagstAy,. Hassouneh B, Kim DW. Outcome of nasal valve obstruction after functional and aesthetic-functional JAMA Facial Plast Surg . 2016;18(2):128-134. [PubMed: 26660141] 26. McDonald PJ, Kulkarni AV, Farrokhyar F, Bhandari M. Ethical issues in surgical research. Can J Surg . 2010;53(2):133- 136. [PMCID: PMC2845955] [PubMed: 20334746] 27. Vaezeafshar R, Moubayed SP, Most SP. Repair of lateral wall insufficiency. JAMA Facial Plast Surg . 2018;20(2):111-115. d 1 o 0 i .1 : 1 0 0 0 . 1 1 / 0 ja 0 m 1/ a j f a a m ci a a f l a .2 ci 0 a 1 l. 7 2 . 0 0 1 7 7 1 . 8 0 ] 718 [PMCID: PMC5885964] [PubMed: 28837711] [CrossRef: Repair of the Lateral Nasal Wall in Nasal Airway Obstruction - PMC

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