xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE X.2 Evidence surrounding open versus endoscopic approach for olfactory neuroblastoma.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
1. GTRrate 2. CSF leak rate
1. Similar rates of GTR and CSF leak between open and EEA 2. Selection of surgical approach for ONB is influenced by the extent of disease 3. Kadish A/B lesions are more commonly treated with EEA 1. EEA associated with improved OSandDSS 2. EEA have comparable control rates to open approaches 3. Open approaches have greater risks of intracranial and total complications, but similar rates of CSF leak rates In well-selected cases, CN and EEA have similar or better GTR, negative margin rates, and lower recurrence rates compared to open approaches 2. EEA are valid treatment options with comparable to survival to open approaches No significant difference between open and EEA in PFS, OS, and LRC DFS was not significantly different between surgical approach 1. No surgical complications or recurrent disease was observed in the EEA or open medial maxillectomy cohorts 2. Surgical complications and recurrence were higher in the open approach group 1. OS was greater for EEA
Morgenstern et al. 256
2019 2
Systematic review
EEA TCA Number of studies or cases was not given
Fuet al. 258
2016 2
609 ONB patients from 36 studies
1. OS 2. DSS 3. LRC 4. Complications
reviewand meta analysis
Komotar et al. 257
1. GTR 2. Margins 3. Complications 4. Recurrence
2013 2
Systematic review
453 patients CFR( n = 134) EEA( n = 54) CN( n = 12)
Devaiah and Andreoli 255
2009 2
361 patients from 23 studies Open ( n = 214) EEA( n = 40) Endoscopic-assisted ( n = 57)
reviewand meta analysis
Kimet al. 253
1. PFS 2. OS 3. LRC
2019 3
Retrospective cohort
28 ONB patients CFR( n = 14) EEA( n = 14) 35 ONB patients Open ( n = 11) EEA( n = 24)
Mays et al. 252
2018 3
Retrospective cohort
1. Complications 2. Recurrence
Petruzzelli et al. 251
2015 3
Retrospective cohort
31 ONB patients CFR( n = 20) EEA( n = 9) Maxillectomy ( n = 2)
Tajudeen et al. 249
2015 3
Retrospective cohort
36 ONB patients Transfacial approach without craniotomy ( n = 20)
1. OS 2. RFS 3. Complications 4. LOS
1. Comparable survival and
complication rates among all approaches
2. Decreased LOS in EEA
EEA( n = 8) CFR( n = 8)
Rimmer et al. 246 2014 3
1. OS 2. DFS
OS and DFS were improved in EEA group, but this group also was less likely to have advanced disease or orbital/dural involvement (Continues)
Retrospective cohort
95 ONB patients CFR( n = 65) EEA( n = 30)
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