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TABLE X.3 Evidence surrounding open versus endoscopic approach for adenocarcinoma.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
EEA and endoscopic-assisted surgery showed low rates of
1. LOS 2. Local failure 3. Complications
Meccariello et al. 259
2016 2
Systematic review
1826 patients from 39 studies EEA( n = 431) Endoscopic-assisted approach ( n = 31) Open approach ( n = 1270)
major complications, lower rates of local failure, and shorter LOS as compared to open approaches
Mortuaire et al. 260
2016 3
Retrospective cohort
43 patients Open ( n = 23) EEA( n = 20)
1. LOS 2. DFS
LOS was shorter in the EEA group with similar rates of DFS to open procedures 1. 3-year OS, DSS, and LRC were not different between groups 2. Morbidity was significantly lower with EEA for all criteria 3. EEA group exhibited a shorter LOS 1. OS and disease-free rates were not significantly different between approaches 2. Median LOS was significantly shorter in the EEA group 3. The rate of early complications was identical in both groups EEA in properly selected patients was associated with improved 3-year OS and a reduction in both complication rate and LOS
1. OS 2. DSS 3. LRC 4. LOS 5. Complications 1. OS 2. LOS 3. DFS 4. Complications
Grosjean et al. 264
2015 3
Retrospective cohort
74 patients EEA( n = 43) Transfacial resection ( n = 31)
Vergez et al. 261
2012 3
Retrospective cohort
48 patients EEA( n = 24) Open ( n = 24)
Nicolai et al. 262
1. OS 2. Complications 3. LOS
Retrospective cohort
67 patients EEA( n = 12) EEA with transnasal craniectomy (ERTC, n = 17) Cranioendoscopic (CN, n = 9) External approaches ( n = 11) CFR( n = 18)
Abbreviations: CN, cranioendoscopic; DFS, disease-free survival; DSS, disease-specific survival; EEA, endoscopic endonasal approach; GTR, gross total resection; LOS, length of stay; LRC, locoregional control; OS, overall survival; RFS, recurrence-free survival.
TABLE X.4 Evidence surrounding open versus endoscopic approach for sinonasal sarcoma.
Clinical endpoints
Study Gore 265
Year LOE Study design Study groups
2018 3
Retrospective cohort
198 patients (EEA vs. open approaches)
1. OS 2. DFS
No significant difference in survival between open and EEA approaches Mean interval of recurrence was not statistically different between open approach and EEA groups
Guoet al. 266
2014 3
Retrospective cohort
23 patients Open ( n = 15) EEA( n = 8)
Mean interval to recurrence
Abbreviations: DFS, disease-free survival; EEA, endoscopic endonasal approach; OS, overall survival.
surgery for curative intent. 14 In this study, the open approach group included endoscopic-assisted open cases (98 EEA vs. 44 open approach). Complication rates were similar between the EEA and open approaches, without
controlling for other factors. Regression analysis showed that the open approach was associated with increased odds of experiencing a complication (OR 3.34; 95% CI: 1.06–11.19). No difference was found in Charlson(–Deyo)
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