xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE X.8 Evidence surrounding isolated maxillary sinus approaches for sinonasal tumor resection.

Clinical endpoints


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Lee et al. 306

2020 4

Retrospective cohort

22 IP patients

1. Recurrence 2. Complications

1. The MD technique is effective for resection of primary and recurrent maxillary IPs involving the anterior wall. 2. The MD often eliminates the need for an adjunctive sublabial or transseptal incision while providing exposure for postoperative surveillance. 1. Endoscopic MD provides excellent exposure to the anterior maxillary sinus as well as the PPF and ITF. 2. Endoscopic MD is associated with low rates of complications and low recurrence rates in a variety of sinonasal pathology. 1. IPs originating from the maxillary sinus frequently had multifocal attachments, but this did not impact disease recurrence. 2. Maxillary sinus IPs can be effectively managed via a purely endoscopic approach. PLA is a safe and effective method for excising primary or recurrent IP with low postoperative complication and recurrence rates 1. PLA was highly effective in resecting maxillary sinus IP. 2. No atrophy was noted in the IT in any patients on follow-up. 3. PLA was associated with few complications. MM with an IT-reversing approach is a safe and effective approach for maxillary IP MM ± transeptal approach provides excellent surgical access to anterolateral maxillary sinus IPs

Stavrakas et al. 308

2021 4

Retrospective case series

22 patients with

1. Recurrence 2. Complications

maxillary sinus tumors

Wuet al. 305

2018 4

Retrospective case series

28 IP patients

1. Recurrence: 2. Tumor


Yuet al. 309

2018 4

Retrospective case series

71 maxillary sinus IP patients

1. Recurrence 2. Complications

Suzuki et al. 322

2017 4

Retrospective case series

51 IP patients

1. Recurrence 2. Complications

Wanget al. 304

2017 4

Retrospective case series

22 IP patients

1. Recurrence 2. Complications

Deanet al. 303

2015 4

Retrospective case series

35 IP patients


Pagella et al. 307



Retrospective case series

20 IP patients

1. Recurrence 2. Complications

Endoscopic MM and MD are excellent approaches for

maxillary sinus IP offering low recurrence rates and minimal complications

Lundet al. 6 MM with or without NLD sacrifice is an effective and safe method for resecting more advanced maxillary sinus IPs Abbreviations: IP, inverted papilloma; IT, inferior turbinate; ITF, infratemporal fossa; MD, modified Denker maxillectomy; MM, medial maxillectomy; NLD, nasolacrimal duct; PLA, prelacrimal approach; PPF, pterygopalatine fossa. 2010 4 Retrospective case series 33 IP patients 1. Recurrence 2. Complications

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