xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XIII.2 Evidence surrounding role of salvage surgery for recurrent sinonasal malignancy.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
1. Recurrence 2. DFS
Reasonable rate of successful salvage of local ONB recurrence using surgery, RT, or combined surgery and RT
35 studies with 678
Zanation 436
patients with ONB of which 189 experienced local recurrence; 101 were treated with salvage treatment (SS, RT, or CRT)
reviewand meta analysis
2009 2
33 studies with 678 patients ONB including 79
Treatment of neck metastases occurring 6 or more months after an initial diagnosis of ONB with combined surgery and RT provides a statistically significant
Zanation 437
reviewand meta analysis
salvage of late neck metastasis (DFS > 1 year)
patients with late neck metastasis ( > 6 months after primary diagnosis), 45hadSS locally recurrent sinonasal cancers treated with salvage surgery 42 patients with locally recurrent SNM underwent 118 patients with
survival advantage versus single-modality therapy
Mattavelli et al. 432
Predictors of OS included primary treatment modality, histology, pT class, margin status, PNI, and adjuvant RT 1. High-risk histologic subtype, grade and orbital and skull base involvement negatively affected OS and/or DFI 2. Improved stratification of patients can be used to guide decision making for patients with recurrent SNM and to avoid inappropriate surgery 1. Patients who did not undergo SS had more advanced disease than those who did 2. Prognosis of the patients who underwent SS were naturally better than those for patients whodidnot 3. Survival rates of the patients undergoing SS was sufficiently high for SS to be recommended 1. Primary surgery resulted in improved OS compared to SS 2. Within the SS group, late stage and positive margins had worse OS feasibility of SS and clinical benefit from palliative chemotherapy are associated with longer OS 2. A multimodal treatment strategy with induction chemotherapy seems to offer improved OS 1. In the recurrent setting,
2022 3
Retrospective cohort
Kaplan et al. 417
2016 3
Retrospective cohort
1. 6-, 12-, and 60-month OS 2. Recurrence 3. DFI 4. Postoperative complica tions 5. LOS
SS ± adjuvant therapy with curative intent
Tsushima et al. 434
2022 4
Retrospective case series
45 patients who had recurrence
following RADPLAT
Lehrich et al. 378
Retrospective database review (NCDB)
3011 SNM treated with curative intent with primary surgery ( n = 2804) versus SS ( n = 207) 69 locally advanced (T3 and T4) SNM treated with multimodal treatment of which
1. 30-day and 90-day mortality 2. OS 3. LOS
Orlandi et al. 435
2020 4
Retrospective case series
19 patients with
recurrent disease were treated with SS
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