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TABLE XIII.3 Evidence surrounding re-irradiation of sinonasal tumors.

Clinical endpoints 1. 2-year LC 2. DC 3. DFS 4. OS 5. Toxicity


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Fanet al. 442

1. Re-irradiated patients had worse LC, DC, DFS, and OS compared to RT-naïve patients 2. Posttreatment radionecrosis was more common and appeared earlier in re-irradiated patients compared to RT-naive patients Although conformal skull base re-RT is associated with

2020 3

Retrospective cohort

86 patients with SNM (68 RT-naive and 18

re-RT) received either 3DCPT or IMPT

Bahig et al. 443

2020 3

Prospective cohort

39 patients with

1. 1- and 2-year LC 2. HRQoL

recurrent SB tumors with prior history of RT treated with varying modalities of re-RT tumors treated with re-RT (SBRT 68, IMRT 8, 3D-CRT 2)

immediate deterioration in physical function, recovery is rapid and sustained


1. Re-RT of SN tumors is

Yamazaki et al. 444

1. 2-year OS 2. LC 3. Toxicity



Retrospective case series

78 recurrent SN

significantly associated with adverse events, including significant disease-related toxicities 2. Incidence of distant metastasis was relatively high after reirradiation Treatment adverse effects and response are favorable with CIRT and patients previously treated with radiation SBRT re-RT shows comparable OS and LC to other re-RT treatment modalities with potential for lower toxicities and maintained QOL

Gaoet al. 439

2019 4

Retrospective case series

141 locoregionally recurrent

1. 1-year OS 2. LC 3. RC 4. DMFS 5. Toxicity

malignancies treated with re-RT (CIRT)

Gogineni et al. 440

1. 1 and 2-year OS 2. LC 3. RC 4. DC 5. QoL (MDADI andMDASI) 6. Toxicity

2019 4

Retrospective case series

60 recurrent head and neck malignancies treated with re-RT (SBRT)

Hayashi et al. 441

2019 4

Retrospective case series

48 recurrent head and neck malignancies treated with re-RT (CIRT) after primary CIRT

1. 2-year OS 2. LC 3. LRC 4. PFS 5. Toxicity 1. 1-year OS 2. LC 3. Toxicity

re-RT using CIRT maybe superior to other re-RT modalities with tolerable toxicity for patients with

recurrent head and neck malignancies after CIRT 1. CK re-RT is feasible and

Iwata et al. 438

2012 4

Retrospective case series

51 recurrent SN

effective for local control of recurrent SN carcinomas

carcinomas, all M0 treated with re-RT (SRS)

2. Late complications not determined by tumor volume or interval from the previous radiotherapy 3. Severe complications in the skin and soft tissue commonly occurred

Abbreviations: 3DCPT, three-dimensional conformal proton technique; ASBQ, anterior skull base surgery quality of life; CK, CyberKnife; CIRT, carbon ion radio therapy; CRT, chemoradiation therapy; DC, distant control; DFS, disease-free survival; DMFS, distant metastasis-free survival; HRQOL, health-related quality of life; IMPT, intensity-modulated proton therapy; LC, local control; MDASI-BT, MD Anderson Symptom Inventory Brain Tumor; PFS, progression-free survival; PT, proton therapy; RC, regional control; re-RT, re-irradiation; SB, skull base; SBRT, stereotactic body radiotherapy; SN, sinonasal; SRS, stereotactic radiosurgery; SS, salvage surgery.

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