xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE XIV.3 Evidence surrounding neutron therapy in treatment of sinonasal tumors.

Clinical endpoints


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Aljabab et al. 461

1. LC90% 2. PFS79% 3. OS93% 4. Late grade 3/4 events included trismus ( n = 1), hearing loss ( n = 2), visual loss ( n = 6), and bone necrosis ( n = 1) 1. DFS68% 2. OS62% 3. Complications of the treatment were registered in 39.4% of patients

1. LC 2. PFS 3. OS



Retrospective case series

Combined proton

neutron for salivary tumors (SNM n = 12)

Novikov et al. 541 2015 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single institute treated with NRT

1. 5-year DFS 2. 5-year OS

(postop n = 46, gamma + NRT n = 45) carcinoma at a single institute (SNM n = 43)

Douglas et al. 463 2003 4

1. LRC59% 2. CCS67% 3. G3 + tox 10%

1. 6-year LRC 2. 6-year CCS 3. 6-year G3 + tox 1. 5-year LC neu

Retrospective case series

Salivary gland

Huber et al. 542

2001 4

Retrospective case series

ACC at a single

1. 75/32 2. Severe late grade 3 and 4 toxicity tended to be more prevalent ( p > 0.1) with neutrons (19%) than with mixed beam (10%) and photons (4%)

institute (SNM n = 12 with NRT or mixed with photons)


2. Toxicity

Douglas et al. 543

1. LRC57% 2. CCS77% 3. OS72%

1. 5-year LRC 2. 5-year CCS 3. 5-year OS 1. 5-year LRC 2. 5-year CCS 3. 5-year OS

2000 4

Retrospective case series

ACC at a single

institute (SNM n = 32)

Douglas et al. 544 1996 4

Retrospective case series

ACC at a single

1. LRC47% 2. CCS64% 3. OS59% 4. Patients without involvement of the cavernous sinus, base of skull, or nasopharynx (51 patients) had a 5-year actuarial LRC rate of 59%, whereas LRC was significantly lower (15%) for patients with tumors involving these sites

institute (SNM n = 27)

Buchholz et al. 545

1. LRC63% 2. DFS93% 3. OS65%

1. 5-year LRC 2. 5-year DFS 3. 5-year OS

1993 4

Retrospective case series

ACC at a single

institute (SNM n = 7)

Saroja et al. 546

1987 4

Retrospective case series

Salivary gland

1. LC 2. Toxicity

1. LC27% 2. 23% had major morbidity directed related to the total dose delivered

carcinoma at a single institute (SNM n = 19)

Errington 547

1. LC50% 2. OS30% 3. Complication 30%

1986 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single institute ( n = 43)

1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS 3. 2-year



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