xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XVI.2 Evidence surrounding sinonasal papilloma association with human papillomavirus (HPV) and malignant conversion.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Rhaet al. 656
Higher rates of recurrence noted in HPV-associated sinonasal IP
HPV association with sinonasal IP recurrence
592 patients with sinonasal IP (14 studies)
2022 2
reviewand meta analysis reviewand meta analysis
McCormick et al. 744
2022 2
17 studies including 551 patients with benign sinonasal IP and 56 patients with malignant sinonasal IP 794 patients with IP (19 studies)
1. High-risk HPV subtypes associated with increased risk of malignant sinonasal IP 2. HPV-18 shows the greatest effect size Significant association between HPV infection and malignant transformation of IP HPV types 16, 11/16, 18, and 16/18 associated with an increased risk of malignant sinonasal IP Overall rate of malignant transformation for Schneiderian papilloma 9% HPV-18 associated with the malignant transformation of sinonasal IP
between HPV infection and malignant sinonasal IP
Stepp et al. 663
HPV in sinonasal IP and risk of
reviewand meta analysis
malignant transforma tion to SCC
Dinget al. 745
900 patients with sinonasal IP (26 studies)
HPV infection of sinonasal IP
reviewand meta analysis
Re et al. 36
2017 2
Systematic review
3177 patients with IP (29 studies)
Rates of
malignant transforma tion
Zhaoet al. 746
2016 2
32 studies including 972 patients with
HPV association with transfor mationof sinonasal IP
reviewand meta analysis
benign sinonasal IP and 152 patients with malignant sinonasal IP
HPV infection varies with sinonasal papilloma histology, but no outcomes significant in formal meta-regression for this study
Role of HPV in development and progression of
1956 patients with
Syrjänen and Syrjänen 95
2013 2
sinonasal papilloma (76 studies)
reviewand meta analysis
sinonasal papilloma
Viitasalo et al. 652
2023 3
Retrospective cohort
296 patients with sinonasal IP
1. Malignant transforma tion rate of sinonasal IP 2. To determine factors that
1. Two out of 296 patients with sinonasal IP underwent malignant transformation over 8years 2. Attachment-oriented surgery reduces recurrence rates 3. Dysplasia associated with a higher recurrence rate
contribute to recurrence in patients treated for sinonasal IP
subtypes, respectively. 647 Dysplasia plays a preceding role in progression to malignancy in IP and oncocytic papil loma but is rarely seen in exophytic papilloma. 36,643,646 Two major types of dysplasia include keratinizing and
and results in poorer overall outcomes (Table XVI.2). 36,643,646,647,649–651,653,660 Malignant transforma tion is rarely ever seen in exophytic papilloma but can occur 4%–17% and 5%–15% of the time for oncocytic and IP
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