xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XVI.7 Evidence surrounding the role of treatment of attachment site.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Spinos et al. 706
Endoscopic endonasal approach to IP with prioritization of pedicle-oriented resection induces durable cure for IP (2/18, 11.1% recurrence), even when multiply recurrent, with low risk for complication (0/18, 0.0%) Endoscopic resection of IP with prioritization of pedicle-oriented resection induces durable cure for IP (0/13, 0.0% recurrence), even when involving the frontal sinus, with low risk for complication (0/13, 0.0%) Insertion-driven resection of IP is adequate for IPs limited to NOE and frontal sinus, whereas centripetal resection should be considered for maxillary IPs IPs originating from maxillary sinus frequently had multifocal attachments but this did not
1. Recurrence 2.
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing EEA for IP with intracranial or intraorbital
involvement ( n = 18)
Wanget al. 707
2020 4
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing
1. Recurrence 2.
EEA for IP involving the frontal sinus/recess ( n = 13)
Ferrari et al. 710
2020 4
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing
1. Recurrence 2.
EEAfor IP ( n = 210)
Wuet al. 305
2018 4
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing EEA for maxillary sinus IP ( n = 28)
1. Recurrence 2.
impact recurrence when pedicle-oriented resection conducted
Deanet al. 303
Visualization of pedicle in anatomically difficult areas, such as the anterior or anterolateral
1. Recurrence 2.
2015 4
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing endoscopic modified medial maxillectomy for IP located on the anterolateral maxillary wall ( n = 35) Patients undergoing open, transnasal, or combined approaches with or without adjuvant RT for IP ( n = 57) Patients undergoing either global ESS (sinus demucosalization with bony drilling) or POES for IP ( n = 73)
maxillary sinus is possible without an open approach
Suhet al. 720
2015 4
Retrospective case series
1. IP was associated with a 26.8% (18/67 procedures) rate of recurrence 2. Risk factors for recurrence included attachment sites over the optic nerve and carotid artery or evidence of dysplasia or CIS 1. Data confirm efficacy of endonasal endoscopic treatment of IP (0/37, 0.0% recurrence) 2. POES offers an equally effective
seven out of 48 (14.6%)
Complications: NA OS
Pagella et al. 137
1. Recurrence 2.
2014 4
Retrospective case series
oncologic outcome (1/36, 0.0%) with fewer complications (0/36, 0.0% vs. 6/37, 16.2%, p < 0.05) Abbreviations: EEA, endoscopic endonasal approach; ESS, endoscopic sinus surgery; IP, inverted papilloma; POES, pedicle-oriented endoscopic surgery; RT, radiation therapy.
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