xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XVII.A.4 Evidence surrounding patterns of recurrence of JNA.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Reyes et al. 351
Recurrence rates 1. Endoscopic approach had significantly lower rates of recurrence than open approach for all tumor stages 2. Advanced tumors had significantly higher recurrence rates than low-stage tumors
2019 2
Meta-analysis Nine studies of
patients with JNA treated with open versus endoscopic surgical approach ( n = 362)
Szyfter et al. 779
2020 4
Retrospective case series
Patients who
1. GTR 2. Rates of
1. 72% of patients had GTR 2. 28% had residual or recurrent tumor that required reoperation 3. Low-stage tumors had
underwent either open or endoscopic resection of JNA ( n = 71)
residual or recurrent tumor 3. Blood loss
100–400 mL blood loss; advanced tumors had 500–2500 mL
1. 82% of cases were managed endoscopically in the modern cohort versus 8% in historical cohort 2. Significantly less blood loss in modern cohort 3. 9% recurrence rate versus 24% recurrence rate comparing modern to historical cohort Three cases regressed, two cases stayed stable, one case increased at 2.2 mm/year 1. 16.8% of patients had residual disease on follow-up imaging 2. Most common sites of disease were pterygoid canal, base of pterygoid, and pterygopalatine foramen 1. Age < 14 years at diagnosis had significantly higher recurrence rate than age > 14 years (34.7% vs. 8%) 2. Preoperative embolization did not significantly decrease intraoperative blood loss but did increase LOS 12 of 38 patients had postoperative residual disease; eight demonstrate stable disease, four demonstrated progression ranging from 4.1 to 9.2 mm/year patients with residual disease had
Cohen-Cohen et al. 780
1. Surgical
2020 4
Patients who
underwent surgical resection of JNA from 2005 to 2019
2. GTR 3.
Intraoperative blood loss
compared to 65 historical cases ( n = 22)
4. Recurrence
Schreiber et al. 791
2018 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with JNA
Natural history of persistent JNA
including six cases of patients with postsurgical persistent JNA ( n = 74)
Liuet al. 794
1. Presence of residual disease 2. Location of residual disease
2018 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with JNA treated with endoscopic
resection ( n = 131)
Pamuk et al. 768
2018 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with JNA underwent endoscopic
1. Disease
resection ( n = 48)
Intraoperative blood loss
3. LOS
Rowan et al. 793
1. Proportion of patients with residual disease 2. Natural
2018 4
Retrospective case series
Patients who underwent
endoscopic or combined resection of JNA( n = 38)
history of and management of residual disease
significantly higher UPMC Staging System scores than patients with GTR and no residual disease on interval imaging Abbreviations: GTR, gross total resection; JNA, nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (formerly juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma); LOS, length of stay; UPMC, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
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