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15314995, 2023, 12, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lary.30684 by Stanford University, Wiley Online Library on [01/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
levels of nasal obstruction achieved bene fi t from septoplasty, however, clinical practice shows that the correct selection of patients is mandatory to obtain a signi fi cant symptomatic improvement. Future studies should focus on predictive factors of enhanced response to surgery in patient with nasal septal deviation. This meta-analysis provides useful insight into the effects of septal surgery on the nasal airway, and it should strengthen the clinician ’ s recommendation for functional septoplasty in patients complaining of obstruc tive symptoms associated with nasal septal deviation. In fact, a signi fi cant clinical effect on symptoms of nasal obstruction can be expected after surgery. Based on the overmentioned results, we con fi rm that the validated disease-speci fi c NOSE questionnaire is a reliable instru ment in evaluating obstructive symptoms and quality of life in patients before and after septoplasty. CONCLUSION Our meta-analysis shows a critical improvement of obstructive symptoms and QOL according to the vali dated NOSE score in patients undergone functional septoplasty with or without turbinate surgery. Further prospective studies are required to identify predictors of response to surgery to improve patients selection. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Mohan S, Fuller JC, Ford SF, Lindsay RW. Diagnostic and therapeutic Management of Nasal Airway Obstruction: advances in diagnosis and treatment. JAMA Facial Plast Surg . 2018;20(5):409-418. 2. Valero A, Navarro AM, Del Cuvillo A, et al. Position paper on nasal obstruc tion: evaluation and treatment. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol . 2018; 28(2):67-90. 3. Barone M, Cogliandro A, Salzillo R, et al. Role of spreader fl aps in rhino plasty: analysis of patients undergoing correction for severe septal devia tion with long-term follow-up. Aesthetic Plast Surg . 2019;43(4):1006-1013. 4. Verhoeven S, Schmelzer B. Type and severity of septal deviation are not related with the degree of subjective nasal obstruction. Rhinology . 2016; 54(4):355-360. 5. Akkoca Ö, O guz H, Ünlü CE, Ayd ı n E, Ozdel K, Kavuzlu A. Association between nasal obstruction symptoms and anxiety. Ear Nose Throat J . 2020;99(7):448-452. 6. van Egmond MMHT, Rovers MM, Tillema AHJ, van Neerbeek N. Septoplasty for nasal obstruction due to a deviated nasal septum in adults: a systematic review. Rhinology . 2018;56(3):195-208. 7. Alessandri-Bonetti M, Costantino A, Gallo Af fl itto G, et al. Anxiety and depression mood disorder in patients with nasal septal deviation: a sys tematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Otolaryngol . 2022;43(5):103517. 8. Alessandri-Bonetti M, Costantino A, Gallo Af fl itto G, et al. Reply to " anxiety and depression in patients with nasal septal deviation: what is the clinical impact? " . Am J Otolaryngol . 2022;43(6):103633. 9. Lee KI, In SM, Kim JY, et al. Association of nasal septal deviation with the incidence of anxiety, depression, and migraine: a national population based study. PLoSOne . 2021;16(11):e0259468. 10. Clark DW, Del Signore AG, Raithatha R, Senior BA. Nasal airway obstruc tion: prevalence and anatomic contributors. Ear Nose Throat J . 2018; 97(6):173-176. 11. Moubayed SP, Most SP. Evaluation and management of the nasal airway. Clin Plast Surg . 2022;49(1):23-31. 12. Feng D, Yang Y, Liu J, et al. Short report: nasal obstruction recovery after septoplasty in patients with nasal septal deviation affected by anxiety and depression. Psychol Health Med . 2021;8:1-10. 13. Aydo gdu I, Atar Y, Aydo gdu Z, et al. Comparison of olfactory function and quality of life with different surgical techniques for nasal septum devia tion. J Craniofac Surg . 2019;30(2):433-436. 14. Manoukian PD, Wyatt JR, Leopold DA, Bass EB. Recent trends in utiliza tion of procedures in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. Laryngoscope . 1997;107(4):472-477. 15. Han JK, Stringer SP, Rosenfeld RM, et al. Clinical consensus statement: septoplasty with or without inferior turbinate reduction. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2015;153(5):708-720.
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Laryngoscope 133: December 2023
Alessandri-Bonetti et al.: NOSE Score After Septoplasty 3245
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