xRead - Olfactory Disorders (September 2023)

20426984, 2022, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.22929, Wiley Online Library on [04/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License


PATEL et al.

TABLE VIII.5 Nuclear medicine techniques Study Year

LOE Study design

Study groups

Clinical end point


Brain metabolism was different in patients vs controls Negative correlation between disease duration and fluorodeoxyglu coseuptake in left temporoparietal joint Thallium migration to the OB was lower in patients; was correlated withodor thresholds and withOBV perfusion was significantly lower in patients with PTOD anosmics had hypoperfusion in the frontal left parietal and left temporal lobes migration to the OB is associated to better prognosis Posttraumatic High thallium Meanbrain

SS-TDI Fluorodeoxyglucose-PET CT under olfactory stimulation

Micarelli et al 1092



Prospective cohort

11 patients with IOD 11 normosmic controls




Prospective cohort

21 patients with OD 10 normosmic controls

T&T olfactometer Nasal thallium

et al 1093

migration to the OB (SPECT-MRI)



UPSIT R SPECT after olfactory stimulation



Prospective cohort

20 patients with PTOD 15 normosmic controls 21 patients with PTOD 19 posttraumatic patients without OD 63 normosmic HCs

et al 1094

Atighechi et al 1062



Prospective cohort


CCCRC-Identification MRI: OB morphology, brain lesions SPECT: brain perfusion




Retrospective case series

24 patients with IOD T&T olfactometer at baseline and after

et al 1067

treatment with Japanese herbal medicine Olfacto-scintigraphy (nasal thallium administration and OBV at baseline Prognosis of recovery CCCRC olfactory test MRI: abnormalities of the OB, olfactory tract, and frontal and temporal lobes SPECT: perfusion in the frontal and temporal lobes SPECT-CT) at baseline

Atighechi et al 1070



Retrospective case series

63 patients with PTOD

MRI and SPECT have high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of posttraumatic anosmia, with SPECT having better performances than MRI

CCCRC = Connecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Center; CT = computed tomography; HC = healthy control; IOD = idiopathic olfactory dysfunction; LOE = level of evidence; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; OB = olfactory bulb; OBV = olfactory bulb volume; OD = olfactory dysfunction; OF = olfactory func tion;OS = olfactory sulcus; PET = positron emission tomography; PTOD = posttraumatic olfactory dysfunction; SPECT = single-photon emission computerized tomography; SS-TDI = Sniffin’ Sticks threshold, discrimination, identification combination; T&T = Toyoda and Takagi; UPSIT R = University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test.

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