xRead - Olfactory Disorders (September 2023)
20426984, 2022, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.22929, Wiley Online Library on [04/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
PATEL et al.
TABLE VIII.8 (Continued)
Normative data available
Commercially available
Test name and author/s
No. of odors items
Reliability coefficent
Test type
Odor Recognition Memory Test Öberg et al, 2002 1163
OM 48
Patients first presented with a set of 24 odors, which they rated on familiarity, intensity, pleasantness, irritability, edibility) After a delay interval during which other olfactory tests were performed, they were again presented with 24 odors, one at a time Half were novel and half were in the original set Had to report if each of the odors had been previously presented Data subjected to signal detection ananalysis Test based on a combination of an odor ID and DISC task Uses a 4-alternative-forced choice procedure to first detect the odorant relative to 3 blanks and then indicate from 4 descriptors its quality Measures are numbers of correct detection and IDs Validated in France, Sweden, and the Netherlands Employs 9 aqueous concentrations each of 3 odorants to determine DTs using a forced-choice staircase procedure Patients were 67 normal and 155 patients with complaints of smell dysfunction Eight odorants at 4 concentrations used for odor recognition performances Twenty cranial nerve I and 4 contingent negative variatio odors presented in glass jars Patients asked: (1) if they smelled something, (2) if they recognized the odor, and (3) to identify each odor from 4 response alternatives (Continues)
European Test of
IDandDT 16
Olfactory Capabilities (ETOC) Thomas-Danguin et al, 2003 1215
Biolfa Olfactory Test Bonfils et al 2004 1216
DT and RT 3 and 8
Barcelona Smell Test Cardesin et al, 2006 1004
DTandRT 24
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