xRead - Olfactory Disorders (September 2023)

15264610, 2016, 10, Downloaded from https://headachejournal.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/head.12973 by Copyright Clearance Center Inc - JDL Global Rights, Wiley Online Library on [19/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License


November/December 2016

(c) Analysis and Interpretation of Data Marco Aur elio Fornazieri, Anibal Rodrigues Neto, Fabio de Rezende Pinna, Fabio H.G. Por to, Richard Louis Voegels Category 2 (a) Drafting the Manuscript Marco Aur elio Fornazieri, Anibal Rodrigues Neto, Fabio H.G. Porto, Richard L. Doty (b) Revising It for Intellectual Content Marco Aur elio Fornazieri, Paulo de Lima Nav arro, Richard L. Doty Category 3 (a) Final Approval of the Completed Manuscript MarcoAur elio Fornazieri, Richard L. Doty REFERENCES 1. Jurgens TP, Schulte LH, May A. Migraine trait symptoms in migraine with and without aura. Neu rology. 2014;82:1416-1424. 2. Charles A, Brennan KC. The neurobiology of migraine. Handb Clin Neurol. 2010;97:99-108. 3. Yang W, Chu B, Yang J, Yu Y, Wu J, Yu S. Ele vated audiovisual temporal interaction in patients with migraine without aura. J Headache Pain. 2014;15:44. 4. Harriott AM, Schwedt TJ. Migraine is associated with altered processing of sensory stimuli. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2014;18:458. 5. Leonardi M, Raggi A. Burden of migraine: Inter national perspectives. Neurol Sci. 2013;34(Suppl. 1): S117-S118. 6. Saisu A, Tatsumoto M, Hoshiyama E, Aiba S, Hirata K. Evaluation of olfaction in patients with migraine using an odour stick identification test. Cephalalgia. 2011;31:1023-1028. 7. Mollao glu M. Trigger factors in migraine patients. J Health Psychol. 2013;18:984-994. 8. Corletto E, Dal Zotto L, Resos A, et al. Osmo phobia in juvenile primary headaches. Cephalalgia. 2008;28:825-831. 9. Zanchin G, Dainese F, Trucco M, Mainardi F, Mampreso E, Maggioni F. Osmophobia in migraine and tension-type headache and its clinical features in patients with migraine. Cephalalgia. 2007;27:1061-1068.

The present data strongly suggest that a range of olfactory symptoms are present in migraine headache patients (eg, osmophobia, triggers of headache, olfac tory hallucinations, and olfactory acuity). Although there was no difference between migraineurs with and without auras, this does not exclude the impor tance of such symptoms in migraine attacks, even though such symptoms cannot be used to differenti ate between patients with and without auras. Given the fact that migraine attacks are often related to seizures 29 and can be a risk factor for stroke and oth er serious conditions, 38 it is incumbent upon the phy sician to inform patients about the fact that exposure to certain odors may trigger migraine crisis. CONCLUSION The present study demonstrates that migraineurs experience a wide range of symptoms associated with olfaction. In general, such symptoms do not dif fer among migraineurs with and without auras, being prevalent in both groups. Osmophobia had a 95% prevalence rate. Other olfactory symptoms, although less prevalent, include olfactory hallucinations, cacosmia/euosmia, and phantosmias. The latter two were clearly related to IOH. A major finding of our study is that patients whose headaches are triggered by odors are also patients whose headaches are trig gered by foods. This suggests that the odorous ele ments of food may be involved in such triggering. Common odors, such as perfume, were more likely to trigger crisis without aura than crisis with aura. In such cases, migraine episodes could be prevented by either avoiding odors that trigger an episode or by recognizing the episode of olfactory hallucination (aura) at the beginning of the crisis.


Category 1 (a) Conception and Design

Marco Aur elio Fornazieri, Anibal Rodrigues Neto, Paulo de Lima Navarro, Richard Louis Voegels (b) Acquisition of Data Marco Aur elio Fornazieri, Anibal Rodrigues Neto, Fabio de Rezende Pinna

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